
What do you think of La Salle?

“Welcome to La Salle!”

How it is still very raw in the minds of Frosh students after their LPEP. Still, it brings back memories into the minds even of upperclassmen. Being able to study in one of the best universities in the country is a privilege; it is like getting an award, just getting into the very halls of this institution.

Oone would think about what he or she would look like in the eyes of others, being a Lasallian. The usual stereotype about the students of DLSU being mostly made up of the elite: is that still applicable, even today? Is DLSU still even relevant as a University?

This article just aims to show people how people look at our University these days, not just about solving any problems about our University’s image.

The LaSallian asks random people from different colleges and universities of their general opinion of DLSU. We have collected at least thirty opinions of students, selected all at random. Three questions were asked from these students: the name of their school and their current course, their general opinion of DLSU, and finally they were asked to rank the top 5 schools in the Philippines.

What would be the highlight of all this is the fact that these students shared their ideas and opinions. Some of the answers the different students wrote for the survey were treated as jokes; one of them posted profanity and made hilarity of the entire thing. We won’t be allowed to publish anything like that.

But still, this is further exercising everyone’s basic right to free speech, in times where very little appreciate what voices they have. One of the more violent comments that came from one of our respondents who refused to name any top 5 schools, saying that ranking would be unnecessary due to the fact that such ignores the larger percentage of schools in the Philippines. Ranking schools might only defer from the main goal of the school, which is education of the youth. Logic.

But to cut a long story short, the answers showed that people do not only look up to the “Big 4” schools (DLSU, UP, ADMU, UST) for higher learning in the country. By asking them their top 5 choices, it came down into a battle of monikers, which eventually meant that it was no longer restricted to only 4 schools. Some familiar names came up in the list but in good spirit.

Okay. We will not post the final list of top 5 schools, to create motivation for every school out there to finally break out and be the best in education.

On to other things. Other answers would show how little is known about DLSU and its students; common misconceptions may create more barriers in our communication with the other schools. Being judgemental may not get you too much respect out there, and it might also create a bad image. This is why getting a good, basic idea of people could be a good lesson for those who are looking into what we ourselves lack.

Stereotyping never draws good responses from people, especially those who are easily offended. Let these opinions be like the friend giving us the constructive criticism on our work so far as a University. To think that people might also dislike what we dislike about our University says something about what we can change around here.

Here are some of the responses of the people who answered the survey quite formally.

Now if only more schools got into the picture…

Roy Eriga

By Roy Eriga

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