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Letter to the Editor by Bianca Soriano

Letters to the Editor is a section where The LaSallian publishes sentiments and opinions by members of the community on matters concerning life in De La Salle University in any of its aspects. Should you wish to send a letter to the editor, kindly email your letter to, or send a message to our Facebook page.


To the Editorial Board of The LaSallian,

Why an Anarchic Student Body is NOT the Answer

There is no doubt that this year’s University Student Government (USG) General Elections (GE) was marred by several issues – violations of the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA); political parties’ petitions to nullify the MOA; Commission on Elections’ (COMELEC) declaration of lull period at the middle of campaigning; and the ineligibility to run of MORE THAN 100 candidates. With these distressing issues (all happening in one week), the rise of student’s political apathy became ever more apparent. Others even clamored for the abolishment of the USG; an act of demand for anarchy.

The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines anarchy as the “absence of government”. As a Political Science Major, there are thousands of arguments on why anarchy is the worst solution, even if we humans originated in a state of anarchy. Critics would say, “Anarchy has failed before. In fact it has failed everywhere, all across the world, because there are no lasting anarchist societies today. So why would we expect anarchy to work now?” From reading several books and articles on this, I would like to shed some light on why an anarchic student body is not the answer.

From Facebook posts, tweets, and comments on articles publicized by student media publications, students have expressed their disgust with the “dirt” of politics that seem to exist in the student body. They seem to parallel the USG with the Philippine government, wherein fact, in its defense, the only (arguably) similarity is that the USG mirrors the STRUCTURE of the Philippine government; it has the three branches – executive, legislative, and judiciary. However, social media was bombarded by negative comments about the USG such as “let DLSU have a year without the USG. Then everyone will finally realize how we can still LIVE without them, and how irrelevant they our to our lives”, “this whole USG thing is just for social standing and resume purposes”, “I have not felt USG presence at all”, etc.

As an active member of the USG (2 years appointed and 1 year elected), I am dismayed with how students from the University have not appreciated, or at least recognize the efforts done by the student government. I do not blame how some students feel apathetic, for they have the right to do so, I would only like the students to at least recognize the work done by the USG from the simple publicity of announcements coming from the admin to organized conferences with notable speakers. Also, I would like others to recognize the USG as an avenue to train their leadership skills in the pursuit of providing genuine service for their constituents. Having this will be beneficial for the country, for we are the nation’s future leaders.

I speak on behalf of those who valued their time to give quality service instead of utilizing that time to study, to bond with friends, or spend time with family, especially those who go home every weekend to their provinces. To process Project Proposals (PPR) (for the executive branch) and to author and lobby for resolutions (for the legislative branch) are no jokes; both require persistence and patience. Therefore, with all the time and effort exerted by officers from the USG, to witness student apathy is something that is truly disappointing.

I can safely assume that one of the reasons why there is student apathy is because of the non-recognition of students that the simple service they experience, such as adjustment, EAF claiming and announcement of suspensions are works done by the USG. This is coupled with tireless battles in the Tuition Fee Increase Board, Handbook Revisions Committee, and other representative bodies. We are not asking for others to give gratitude to the USG, because service requires no reward, we are only asking to value the importance of having a student government inside the university. The USG does not only exist to provide quality services needed by the students, it also stands for student representation.

As part of the National Affairs Committee in the Legislative Assembly, I, together with two other Legislative Assembly Representatives, have written a manifesto on the passage of the Students’ Rights and Welfare (STRAW) Bill. The bill advocates for students’ rights, as there have been a number of violations towards it since the Martial Law Era. Among the violations are the prohibition to form organizations, prohibition to elect student representatives, and the exclusion from tuition-free consultations or meeting.

Authoring the manifesto made me realize how privileged DLSU is for having a USG. For decades, other universities across the country have been fighting for student representation but their respective administrations in their universities prohibit them from doing so. Other universities can easily decide tuition-fee increases without proper consultation with the students. Other students do not even have the right to consult their grades; they do not even know what “filing for grievance” is. Reading these issues that continues to exist in universities across the country moved me to be one with these universities in advocating this Bill.

Among the things the Bill guarantees Filipino students are the following:

1.    Right to admission, non-discrimination and quality education;
2.    Right to organize and establish their own student councils and/or organizations;
3.    Right to participate in policy-making processes
4.    Right to due process in disciplinary proceedings
5.    Right to be secured within school premises

For decades, DLSU has been able to exercise these rights that other universities did not have, and one of which is the USG. According to the USG constitution, “the USG shall have the power of which emanates from the student body. It shall be the sole, unified, autonomous and democratic representative body of the students”. With this being said, the USG does not revolve around the elected leaders or even the appointed ones, it revolves around the students from the university. I hope the students know that we take accountability in representing the student body, for we follow very high standards of professionalism and conduct with respect to our strict policies moderated by our internal accountability processes.

As I end this, I would like to emphasize once again for students to take advantage of this privilege of having student representatives and to have faith with the USG by exercising their right to vote. It would also be a bonus for the USG if students would be active by not just participating in its activities, but also giving feedback on their needs as students. Trust me when I say that in my 3 years of being active in the USG, I have witnessed so many officers, Santugon or Tapat, appointed or elected, who shout no politics; a true embodiment of zeal for service – one of the Lasallian core values.

Amidst everything, let us be Lasallian Achievers for God and Country.


Yours in St. La Salle,

Bianca Soriano

The LaSallian

By The LaSallian

14 replies on “Letter to the Editor by Bianca Soriano”

I’m sure people notice that the USG’s doing something. It’s just that what they’re doing isn’t worth it. The difference with an anarchy (assuming the comparison is between that and the CURRENT state of the USG) is the School’s gonna have to do the text blasting.

(the TL:DR is right below this long comment)

there are a few reasons why a lot of lasallians just wants USG gone and abolished but there are mainly 2.

In all honesty, the first reason why people say they don’t feel the USG’s presence is because there really is no impact. Fiipinos have this mentality that if it doesn’t hit, it “doesn’t” hurt. This simply means that if there is no colossal effect/change, it won’t be felt or at least recognised. This rather long post only states how the USG must be kept and it literally just forces this one concrete sentence, “keep the USG or there will be chaos”. For anyone who really reads this word for word, they will honestly just say, “the USG stands how this letter stand”, which means there’s no point in it. It’s proven by how it’s repetitive through every paragraph and there seems to be no significant stand in it. but back to my point, we say we don’t see the use of the USG basically because we haven’t seen an action the USG opted to take that will effect the students greatly. In fact, there are changes that was implemented by the new president that everyone (including the staff and the faculty), BUT the USG, disapproves of. A good example is the wearing of IDs next school year. In these cases, we really do see the USG as one big nuisance.

The second reason is kind of obvious. Look at every single USG candidate and member and look at their similarities. now, listen to the students’ comments before elections. When we look at the USG, we see this little organisation that houses and popularises even more those who are already big names in their batches. If these students don’t run because they are known, you’ll most probably realise that these students ran because they are attractive enough to lure a chunk of the student body. Listen to the comments of those who vote and you’ll see that they usually say “i’ll vote for her, shes hot” or “dude, friend ko yun, so I choose him”. This is why some people call the elections “pakapalan ng make-up or pakapalan ng muhka”. But even if they don’t have those 2 “qualifications”, of course these candidates still find their own little ways and these measures they take are somewhat illegal for the MOA. Candidates do talk to the people, gets “feeling close” with the public, tries to persuade and convince the voters, and of course, recruits Campaign officers to drag voters to their side.

so for anyone who will judge my comment or deny it at least, if you really think what i’ve stated is not true, please prove to the public 2 things. first thing is proof that the USG did do something. we want to know a few or at least a handful of notable actions the USG has taken, the ones that really benefited the lasallian community and the ones that made an obvious change in the society of La Salle. the second thing is aligned with my second point in this comment. Please find someone within the USG that isn’t popular in their batch before they were elected and find out why he/she was elected. Though you may find a few with notable achievements in high school, but will you be able to find someone who can fully explain, in their own words, the plans of USG and how he/she plans to carry it out.

please don’t bash at me for I only state what a big chunk really thinks and I’m not really trying to defend them, i’m just stating why they say what they have already said.

TL:DR – people think the USG doesn’t do anything cause they don’t see anything happen at all. They also think the USG is filled with a bunch of former high school big shots that still want to be popular even in college.

1) The political parties brag about what their previous candidates has accomplished (ex: Medrano hall, Animo Biz, lowest tuition fee increase, and many more. Check their pubs for more.)

2) A bunch. I will not name drop. Of course it’s natural that the candidates were already involved in this line of work in the past. If, after reading this article, you really think that the USG is still about popularity, then I challenge you to be involved. Sign up to be an officer next academic year since I think no amount of words will convice you. Also, during the campaign period, everyone is encouraged to ask the candidates about their plans. I’m sure they are more than willing to explain them to you.

Thank you, AJ Dy for your reply. Honestly, I have been in such position where I was involved in politics. I have been dragged around, bossed around, lied to, requested and demanded to cheat, and have seen a chunk of the candidates disregard the rules and conduct regulations just to be in position. Though I’m sure not all candidates are like this. I will not drop names, but there are a good number of candidates that are like this. I also actually ask candidates whenever they go RTR for their opinions, future plans, strategies, visions, and so much more and i’m always disappointed with what i receive. Usually candidates can’t give a spot on answer, which isn’t a big problem, they have a whole year to be in office so they have a lot of time. but the thing is, their answers are so close to saying “i dont know”, it would be more acceptable if they just did say those 3 words. some candidates would RTR their scripted plans and visions, but when i try to ask them to elaborate or at least give an understandable summary, they fail to do so. stuttering and twisting every word they say, they would always make loops in their sentences leading back to their scripts without an explanation given. I was impressed when a group of candidates walked in the room one day, of term 3, without anything scripted and they just explained their visions, goals, plans, and opinions. They blew me off cause they answered my questions with ease.

to comment on your first answer, I most certainly agree with you that they “brag” about it. however, where do they make an effect? my long post does not question what they do, it simply asks how it will affect us DLSU students. I just read a a comment to my post dated 4 days ago of this young lad raging stating how they did all these things, but these things are things THE SCHOOL has already provided for us that the USG just revised.. they did nothing but change what the school has perfectly assembled in hopes that they made it better. But did they really? we, as the student body of la salle, can not lay down a few examples of what they have done for us. I quote him as he states, “Really though, did you even read the letter?! The letter has in fact, stated numerous examples of the USG’s service for the students.

– The handbook revisions

– adjustment, claiming of EAF

– announcement of suspensions

– talks with the tuition fee increase board

– grievance, etc.”

everything on his list are things brought BY THE SCHOOL and NOT by USG. these are things the parties brag about but truth be told, these aren’t even their works. I will compare them to the council of Ateneo where they organise assemblies, not run around throwing news at people. Help restore the buildings and classrooms, not build a mac store in the campus. Plan for fixtures that will benefit lasallians (e.g Roofs connecting main la salle to andrew, razon, and strc) not plan a rally in front of south gate. I may be dropping or discriminating parties with my examples, but truth me told, these are legitimated points.

Speaking of rally, thats one thing a certain party has done that is significant, but what was it for? not a soul that isn’t their party knows. And if we do know what it’s for, why bother rally for it? are we UP that we must take to the streets as we think it’s a world catastrophe? are we PUP, where the culture was disrupted cause of it? No, we are DLSU, where we are educated to the highest extent to know how to deal with matters professionally and wisely. We are taught to do things BETTER.

“please prove to the public 2 things. first thing is proof that the USG did do something. we want to know a few or at least a handful of notable actions the USG has taken”

Really though, did you even read the letter?! The letter has in fact, stated numerous examples of the USG’s service for the students.

– The handbook revisions

– adjustment, claiming of EAF

– announcement of suspensions

– talks with the tuition fee increase board

– grievance, etc.

How each student “feels” the impact of the actions of the USG depends on the student himself.

The examples given may not be as life-changing as people would want them to be, but they are vital. Imagine having no adjustment periods, no petitioning of classes and subjects, no extensions of class pads/capacity. Imagine having to check your DLSU e-mail regularly (I’m sure a lot, if not most, don’t) because that would be the only way you would know any of the University’s activities or happenings. Imagine the sky-high tuition fee increasing more each year. Imagine having to go through the University’s admin each time you’ll be having a concern.

About the worn-ID policy, I still do not understand all the uproar regarding the issue. It only requires us to wear out IDs INSIDE the campus which is in fact, better so we are easily identified within the campus. Other universities have that policy (Ateneo, UST, etc), so why can’t we? Is it because it will ruin our fashion or outfit? Wake up, people, we are not in school to flaunt our clothes. Some of us have become such ignorant burgis. (Emphasis on ‘some’.) But because the USG is a representation of the student body, they, along with the orgs, have been fighting to overrule the said policy. Please know that the USG cannot win in everything.

I agree so much with the letter. I am simply another student, not an officer of the USG but I have seen them work very hard so that the students’ lives would be easier and so that they could be of service for the students. During campaign season, yes, they stick to their political parties, and I know that we are all tired of hearing the same taglines and RTRs over and over through the years, and you may think that they are plastic, they are scripted, that they are doing this to plump up their resumes, but once they are appointed, God bless them because (most, hopefully all) really have the passion and perseverance to serve the student body. They work so hard, and even when in a slate or college or board, candidates from both T and S have been elected, they are not rivals, in fact, they work hand-in-hand to give us a better college experience.

There are so many opportunities and reminders given to us by the University, by the USG, and by the orgs. All being very accessible through social media or via text. It’s only up to us how we would make the most out of these opportunities. We are responsible for our college experience, and truly, college is not just about the course, and the subjects. It is also about immersing yourself in different experiences.

It is truly sad that the activities and actions of the USG goes unappreciated, and rather bashed by the students. They are working so hard to provide us with these activities and we say that we do not need them and that they are a nuisance??

As a disclaimer, I just want to share that I will not be voting this GE, not because I do not care whether there be a USG or not, also not because I don’t want a USG for the school (in fact, I really do), but because I do not want to default with the only choice we are left with when I do not want to vote for the person anyway. Nothing against the remaining candidates, but even before the ineligibility, I already had my ‘picks’ in mind because I know that they are deserving and capable of service.

To everyone who is still confused whether they would vote or not, do not vote just for the sake of it. Or dahil “wala rin namang kwenta kasi isa lang nagrrun” Please. That is not exercising your right to vote. If it will take us a failure of elections for the political parties, candidates and student body to learn their lesson, so be it. However, if you really do want to vote for a certain candidate because you deem them deserving, then please do so.

To those who say “wala naman akong pakialam sa politics”, “wala akong paki sa USG”, or “i dont want to get involved with politics”, campaign is politics, position is about service. No one can force you to vote, but remember that those who would be elected would govern the student body, including yourself. Would you rather not partake even when you know who deserves to be elected?

I just want to ask, are Lasallians really zombies? We go with the opinion of the majority, not speaking up, not helping out, or not even giving a f*ck with what’s happening. Only voicing out only to complain and criticize? How shameful.

The University needs a USG who will take care of the students. More importantly, the University needs a student body who works hand-in-hand with the USG.

Hello Unpopular Opinion, I don’t know where to start. First, your post is very inconsistent, i couldn’t tell if you’re against the USG or for the USG. Second, you’re post is rather pushy and insulting for a rather calm written and open stating post that I’ve made. Third, your defence for the USG is out of my reach. I cannot give that much effort to state my opinion against them. But for the sake of decency, i will reply to your post.

First and foremost, you defended the USG like a 5 year old addicted to k-zone. I will quote you to prove you how so. First quotation, “The examples given may not be as life-changing as people would want them to be, but they are vital. Imagine having no adjustment periods, no petitioning of classes and subjects, no extensions of class pads/capacity. Imagine having to check your DLSU e-mail regularly (I’m sure a lot, if not most, don’t) because that would be the only way you would know any of the University’s activities or happenings. Imagine the sky-high tuition fee increasing more each year. Imagine having to go through the University’s admin each time you’ll be having a concern.” Second quotation, “There are so many opportunities and reminders given to us by the University, by the USG, and by the orgs. All being very accessible through social media or via text.” I will not be a butthurt too much and I will leave it to that.

Second, let me actually reply to some parts of your comment. I’ll start with the ID policy. The reason why almost everyone hates it is because WE ARE IN AN INCLOSED SCHOOL. This basically means that if you do not study in it, you do not belong inside. But lets not be too unprofessional for the sake that I’ve been writing professionally except in this reply. The school’s existing body, which includes the students, the faculty, and the staff, have said their piece regarding the policy and majority are against it. as you have said, it’s to easily identify people who are inside. This is a good point if we are studying in the schools you have stated without defending clearly. in your defence you state that “if these schools can do it, why can’t we?” I hope you aren’t a pre-law student, you will surely fail defence. The reason why These schools implement them is because of the public’s capability to access the facilities without limitation. This simply means that I can walk in to ateneo without anyone caring or stopping me. UP is an open campus, meaning their campus does not close for the public, unlike la salle. In fact, there are villages and residential establishments inside of campus. We also do not have a hospital like UST that is accessible and that caters to the public. Nor do we hold a museum in campus like they do. Basically, it’s useless to have such policy because it’s clear that anyone who’s inside la salle are ONLY lasallians. visitors are required to wear the visitors pass and La Salle’s visitors are mostly high school students wearing their school uniform. So tell me, what’s the point?

you also said something about what the USG has done, right? let me make this very clear for you. The USG did not do all those. In fact, it was the school who did those. These are acts the school has done that were merely refurbished by the USG. If i was steve jobs and I gave you my old macbook and you refurbished it, can you say you made them? No. Do not give credit to an org that didn’t make these things, they merely organised them.

you have a paragraph regarding lasallians being zombies. How in God’s name did we get to that? we are talking about politics and you come up with us being zombies for not doing what? not speaking out for politics like you do? not helping out in the politics like you want us to do? to whom you may be behind your computer, if you want to make a concrete argument, make sure your argument is still in line. We complain because there is this one person in the organisation we complain about that puts us to shame for things we didn’t do. We do not even bother them anymore and they blame us for their mistakes. That letter is directed to us AFTER they have screwed up. We pulled out our torches and voiced out because they screwed up. Are you telling me they have the right to put the shame on us for their wrong doings? Masking their shameful actions with a letter saying how disappointed the USG is on the students who want them gone? you can’t blame us, we just went through them screwing up. It’s a common thing to do when you know the GOVERNING BODY isn’t doing the RIGHT THING. For the love of God, and may God forgive me for using his name in vein multiple times, understand the situation first before you right a comment longer than Aquino’s speech about why he didn’t go to the 44 SAF members. (if you don’t see the connection, please just get off your keyboard and don’t even bother).

You have a paragraph lecturing those who are confused. you did not state anything to clear their boggled minds. you merely asked them to still vote EVEN if you clearly stated that you won’t because Tapat is the only left option. it makes me think you’re a Tapat member.

by this 3 examples that I’ve pulled up, only 1 stayed on course to the true topic of my post. what more if I pulled out all 11 points you made. only 3 ran according to my main idea. this simply proves how inconsistent and how far you are from the path that I was trying to stick in.

To conclude this nuisance of a post I am writing right now, I would like to say, don’t write something you can’t defend. Also, don’t write something that isn’t following the same main Idea of the post you’re writing against. It’s rather irritating and in fact utterly insignificant. And if you were to write unprofessionally and insultingly, do make sure that every good author can do 10x worse. Learn and study what needs to be before you pull out your pen and paper to draft what you will say.

This year’s GE is really messed up. I have a lot of partido friends from santugs and tapat. Ever since santugon lost all of their candidates they started to convince people to abstain this coming elections. Please lang hayaan niyo nalang. They just have 33 candidates di niyo pa ibibigay. Why not just invade their territory by applying for a spot in the usg. It becomes a game of power when you guys do that kaya madaming may ayaw sa usg and politcal shit in dlsu.

Hi! I’m Adrian, a graduate of DLSU, and a former member of the USG & Santugon. You’ve mentioned that Santugon has been campaigning for an abstain vote. Could you message me the details? You can be anonymous that’s 100% fine but I’d like to know who these people are as this is something that needs to be addressed.

These recent issues happening in DLSU with the reactions of the community to it only magnifies the reality that the students (a) take for granted the opportunities available for them, (b) easily believes what an individual states without wise judgement, or (c) just go with the flow because they lack genuine concern.

It is good to know that there are students who could stand up for something but I hope they open their minds and reflect: why am I doing this?

It is good to know too that students react on issues and voice out their perspectives. It is a type of communication we need to reveal what really is going on and what has become.

The answer I agree is not an anarchic student body but it could lie upon one’s self.

Ang problema niya sa konsepto ng “anarkiya” e nakadepende lang ito sa central authority. Pati narin ng notion niya ng “apathy”, kapag ba hindi nageengage sa gubyerno, e apathetic na agad? Naryan ang tipikal (ngunit mahalagang) argumento na ang hindi pagacknowledge sa existence ng authority ay isang paraan ng political resistance. May ibang gamit din ang anarchy, lalo na sa pananaw ng mga anarchists na naniniwala sa authority ng individual over himself. Usually, self-governance ang pinakaepektibong weapon laban sa authority. Self-governance din ang epekto nang isang authority na ang pinanghahawakan nalang ay ang Weberian “bureaucratic” authority.

Ikatlo, ang kritisismo niya sa pananaw ng students na “hindi nararamdaman ang USG” ay maaaring tignan sa perspektibo ng isang lover na bigay ng bigay, ngunit hindi naappreciate. Kung totoo ngang passionate ang mga student council natin, alalahanin natin ang definition ni Lacan ng pagibig (Love is giving something one doesn’t have to someone who doesn’t want it). Mahalaga ang notion na ito ng pag-ibig pagdating sa paglilingkod. Kung di man sila kasing passionate tulad ng iniisip nila, ang hindi pagtanggap sa USG ay isa lamang sintomas na hindi na sila epektibo bilang student representatives marahil dahil sa hindi nila pagtugon ng tunay na pangangailangan ng mga studyante, AT lalo na ng mga komunidad sa paligid ng DLSU. Ideologically, hindi epektibo ang mechanisms for governance nila (college pa lang ako marami nang nagsasabi na wala naman talagang ideolohiya ang Santugon at Tapat — hindi yan mahalaga sa ngayon, ang punto ay ang inability to make the students believe). Sa ibang salita, sila mismo ang gumagawa ng dahilan kung bakit sila binabalewala.

May nagsabi sakin na ang DLSU daw ay isa sa pinakamalaking kabalintunaan sa Maynila. Architecture-wise, sa tingin ko, dahil ito ay isang walled community. Kung may student apathy man, hindi ito nakatuon sa USG (masyadong self-gratifying ang perspektibong yan). Ang student apathy ay nakatuon sa pagwawalang bahala sa paligid nito, lagpas sa puting bakod ng pamantasan.

Hello! First, to answer your question, I used Merriam-Webster to give the most basic definition of what anarchy is. As a Pol Sci major, I could cite different scholars, but I chose to use a dictionary’s definition to make it simple and easy to understand. Second, I have already read the criticism to my letter, there are points that I agree and those otherwise, but I respect that. Each person has their own view and should be respected. Just to defend myself from your (I presume) insulting tone, I would just like to point out that my letter is more experiential, while the other letter is more theoretical. 🙂

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