A superior Green Archer quintet grappled against superstition and ended its 15-year drought in NCAA basketball by blasting Mapua Tech to oblivion today at the Loyola Center.
A swarming locust-like attack perpetrated by rookie Lim Eng Beng, Dindo Guevara, Julie Lim, Mike Bilbao, Alex Malixi, and Pitloy Mirasol, coupled with outstanding board work by Tarzan Escober and heir apparent Dennis Gonzalez, wrought havoc on the Cardinals, who were seeking a victory to force La Salle into a best-of-three series for the crown.
The Archers also gave mentor Tito Eduque the satisfaction of breaking the “jinx” that has hounded him ever since the early 1960’s. Eduque, as has been pointed out, is not a winner. Today’s triumph, which he is largely a part of, belied that contention as the La Salle dribblers wrote “finish” to another exciting chapter in the NCAA history book.
Team captain Mike Bilbao, Julie Lim, and Doy Escober bade a glorious goodbye to the glamourous NCAA as they join the strong Mariwasa Akai Recorders early next year for the all-Filipino MICAA tournament.

Hail to the Champs! De La Salle is proud of its Green Archers. Thousands of La Sallites’ hearts are overjoyed with the victory march of their team along the road to the 1971 championship.
The 1971 Archers have been true champions all the way. They have fought hard and have known a defeat or two. But their determination and stout hearts have carried them through.
Hail to the NCAA Champions of 1971. Long may the Green and White colors fly in victory.
Green Archers of ‘71, we’re proud of you!
(Sgd) Bro. H. Gabriel Connon, FSC
President, De La Salle College

Hardly was there doubt that this year’s NCAA basketball team will emerge the champions. This is because you—the 1971-72 basketball team—come from the New Breed of La Sallites. The breed of La Sallites who are not only resolute but fearless in order to surmount every difficulty to win victory.
(Sgd) Clemente D. Garrucho
President, Student Council

On behalf of the Faculty, I would like to congratulate the De La Salle College Senior Basketball Team for its splendid victory over Mapua.
Indeed, De La Salle College has once more demonstrated that it strives for excellence not only in the academic field but also in the athletic field, in this case, basketball, and succeeds.
The Faculty is proud of you boys. We hope that you will continue to give our College the best of yourselves as you have done now so that we can always have our banners flying proudly up there for all men to see. As La Sallites, we share in the glory of our team.
(Sgd) Salvador Roxas Gonzalez
President, Faculty Association

After a drought of 15 years, De La Salle has once again tasted the wine of Victory.
The excellent performance of the Green Archers through the ‘72 season speaks highly of the efforts of the only man who could have brought them up to this pinnacle of success, Coach Valentin “Tito” Eduque. The NCAA crown that had eluded him this past decade is finally in his grasp. His “blood, sweat, and tears” have definitely paid off. To him, say MABUHAY!
To the 15 Archers, whose deadly arrows were true to their targets, there can be no words good enough to praise them for their doggedness of purpose, their true grit, and for the supreme sacrifice they made in being quartered this past month or so to keep themselves in condition. This is the real De La Salle spirit! To each and every one of them we say CONGRATULATIONS FOR A JOB WELL DONE!
Those who worked behind the lines should not be forgotten, for they also helped in the formation of the team. Mr. Joaquin Trillo, the team’s trainer, Messrs. Jo Wong, Chito Bautista, and Chuck Buenaventura, managers, and scorer, respectively, have dedicated as much time as the players in their respective capacities. They too, merit our thanks and congratulations.
And last but not least, to our unsung heroes, the Cheerleaders and the Bleacher Brigade, especially those who stuck it out with the team through hell and high water, we shout another MABUHAY!
(Sgd) Bro. Andrew Gonzalez, FSC
Academic Vice-President
This article was published in The LaSallian‘s Archives 2024 special. To read more, visit bit.ly/TLSArchivesSpecial2024.