Menagerie Menagerie Feature

The dawn of a new era: Writer’s recap of the 11th Business Management Student Convention

Last December 1, a large number of internal and external participants seated themselves comfortably at the Teresa Yuchengco Auditorium (TYA) for the 11th Business Management Student Convention (BMSC).

Not limiting the event to the participants from the University, students from different organizations and schools piled into TYA. The red letters of ‘BMS’ onstage seemed to be proudly watching the event unfold, with a shine that rivalled that of the ushers’ and usherettes’ grins.

An opening prayer was conducted, which was soon followed by the DLSU Reserve Officers’ Training Corps’s (ROTC) entrance of colors. After the participants stood with respect to the national anthem, the opening remarks were then led by James Villar, one of the event project heads. It wasn’t long before the host and hostess stepped onstage.



The Beginning

Introducing the first speaker, the program hosts gave the spotlight to Mr. Robert Suyom. Suyom is the co-founder of Resonant Technology Solutions Philippines, Inc.  Talking about “neoculturation” and not failing to make the participants laugh in the process, Suyom emphasized his advice of starting early—suggesting places such as the University’s Animo Biz for cultivating business skills. With time allotted for an open forum, Mr. Suyom was awarded a certificate before he walked away, waving goodbye to the crowd.

The convention gave way for an intermission by guitarist Marc Co and saxophonist Joshe Tiu. As the gentle strums of guitar chords and piercingly smooth sounds of saxophone filled the air, the duo livened up the audience with their renditions of popular songs.

Getting back on program, the second speaker Kency Ongkeco, the Eat Her Journal founder, discussed  the subtheme of Transformative Continuity. Adorning an impressive list of credentials, the Weavoo president and co-founder advised the students to just “go for it” and to always strive for a 99 percent performance because, as she says, “You need that one percent to improve yourself.”

Welcoming the Human Resources Director of the Royal Carribean Cruise, the students clapped for Vivian Cruz as she opened up another subtheme: Corporate Synergy. “We focus on the development of the individual more than the performance,” Cruz stated. She elaborated on effectively incorporating the human resource aspect into any successful business and gave more advice in humanifying the work environment during the open forum.



Evolve or Die

With his creative speech title Evolve or Die placed in front of a dinosaur graphic, Mr. Cax Mayuga talked about Contemporary Relevance in the hypercompetitive business world. Stressing about the importance of understanding digital intimacy and enhancing consumer engagement, the former bodybuilder turned marketing director talked about how much of a game changer it is to be aware of the changing market.

A time for lunch was allotted before the program resumed again to welcome its fifth speaker of the day. Marita Galvez stepped onstage to discuss the main topic of neoculturation. Shining light on the difference of traditional and digital marketing, she talked about the appeal of online content. As the marketing executive of Carousell, she advised, “Take risks because the learning is worth the 20 million pesos.”

A stunning dance performance was given from the university’s LSDC-Contemporary troup after.



Fill in the gaps

Relating the subtheme of Transformative Continuity to stocks, students were fascinated with Ms. Arbee Lu’s expertise in the ever-changing stock market. Of course, holding an open forum after the talk, some participants raised questions they had about entering the stock market—a world they knew nothing about. She explained the simple method of buying stocks: when the company progresses, you progress as well.

Ms. Erica Liz Bautista alloted some time in her busy schedule to talk about the subtheme of Contemporary Relevance. Explaining how successful branding was done, the Business Development Manager stated that, “Your brand must first appeal to the emotions of the market because that’s how you create relevance to them.”

Contrary to popular misconception, Mr. Ronnie Siasoyco delivered an insightful talk about money being the second most important thing. As he says, “Business is not about finances all the time; you go into business because you want to fill in a gap and you want to satisfy a need. You want to bring value into your community and when you have this in mind, you’ll be able to bring satisfaction to your customers and that’s where money comes in.” Students applauded Siasoyco and watched him receive his certificate before the businessman walked off the stage as the last speaker of the program.

It wasn’t long before the project heads—James Villar, Kizia Cruz, Andrea Figueroa, and Cedriq Ramos—were giving their closing remarks. As students sang the Lasallian hymn, the DLSU ROTC made an appearance for the exit of colors. The event was offered a new layer to participants’ understanding of business. Business is more than generating money, the main goals are to satisfy consumer needs and to add value to the communities. BMSC successfully humanized business and offered students a deeper way of interacting with their communities.

Yanna Zhang

By Yanna Zhang

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