Fresh to the scene? In the mood to look for something new? Well, grab a ticket to seek and discover what’s truly for you in this year’s Annual Recruitment Week 2021, also known as ARW, of De La Salle University-Manila.
It is a mainstay in DLSU that student-led organizations recruit members and potential officers annually. With new and familiar faces to meet, the ARW has always been about revisiting and reigniting one’s identity, a testament to the often-emphasized college experience.
Although this incoming ARW, much like last year, is geared within the online set-up, its theme “Museum: Seek and Discover” wraps the different organizations as pieces of art and history within a museum.
From November 22 to 27 of 2021, ARW would revolve around two main events: “It’s Museum Day, Everyday” and “The ARW Elite”.

It’s Museum Day, Everyday
Still got that ticket? In this event, expect to meet the wonderful organizations, upheld by their traditions and in pursuit of new ventures.
The host of the whole museum is none other than DLSU-CSO, the Council of Student Organizations, in their role of uniting all accredited organizations within the university.
On its opening day, November 22, you are met with the ASPIRE organizations if you are in the mood of discovering the globe and its many “countries”. ASPIRE shall help you navigate around the “country” that you wish to visit and stay at as they promote various interests and advocacies for you to explore.
The following day opens its doors to the PROBE cluster, also known as the Professional Organizations of Business and Economics, with their historical civilizations, as we journey through time. These organizations have so much history and have built foundations for many individuals, especially when venturing into the practical world.
On to the next day, we then meet the ENGAGE organizations through their legends of yesterday. In their theme, it is no wonder that legacies are kept as ENGAGE stands for “Engineering Alliance Geared Towards Excellence”. If you are up to being one of those legends, ready to make a mark, then look no further into what ENGAGE can help you to be.
On its fourth day, we have our CAP13, displaying their art in the guise of artistic passion. As CAP13 is a host to the organizations from the College of Liberal Arts, do expect passion as they constantly work through masterpieces that reframe their identities within and beyond their courses.
Then on the very last day of the museum, the ASO cluster greets you with open arms through scientific galore in reinventing the past, present, and future. The Alliance of Science Organizations hosts members that are interested in new discoveries in constant evolution.
Keep in mind that, in the museum, CSO has more to offer with their own recruitment. On November 22, 24, and 26 from 12nn to 5pm, stay tuned and learn more about CSO with their plentiful and enticing events they have in store.
What the museum has does not end here! It’s Museum Day, Everyday also has an ONLINE GIVEAWAY! What could be more exciting than that?
The giveaway is open to students who have attended at least five (5) organizations of the same cluster in the Zoom rooms; wherein they will be filling-up a “Prize Claiming Booth” Check-in Google Form provided by each organization they have visited. For the “Prize Claiming Booth” Check-out Google Forms, it will open at 5:30pm until 8:00pm everyday during November 22-26, 2021. Only the first 150 respondents (per day basis) of the said check-out form will be eligible to claim the prizes. The prizes are up for grabs, but much like this year’s ARW tagline, you have to seek and discover to truly find out what your prize would be.
Feel free to check more of the giveaway mechanics here so that you get a chance to be one of the lucky winners:
By the time the museum closes, don’t throw away your ticket, since there is one more event that you wouldn’t want to miss.
The ARW Elite
Wondering what it is like to be an elite? Then, look no further and check out the ARW Elite, a month-long competition that puts a spotlight onto chosen representatives, best embodying the culture and beauty of each organization under CSO.
Registrations shall be opened to the public, and you might be a lucky (future) ultimate ARW elite. Your kept-ticket will introduce you to the other elites, their official portraits, and advocacy videos.
Much like any competition, the ARW Elite emphasizes the importance of social involvement and the total embrace of our diverse culture. Announcements for finalists shall follow suit, and on the very last day, November 27, it shall be a night to remember in its Coronation Night.
Your Ticket for Safekeeping
Now that you know what this year’s ARW has to offer, expect masterpieces, both in the organizations and their representatives (yie!). Your college experience, whether you are simply starting with a blank slate or still in the middle of it, is still a(n) (art)work in progress. Don’t be shy to chase something new or even just stay within your own zone.
To seek and to discover has always been about the reincarnation of what YOU want to be. Your ticket, when all of this ends, is for safekeeping, a new historical relic for you to possibly reminisce and to open new conversations with friends.
I’ve had my fair share of tickets hidden and they all were worth the shot. You’ll never know what the future awaits and that, for me, is the most exciting part.
If you’re interested, stay updated by following our sites: