Dear fellow Filipinos,
Peace! We are Creative Learning Paths School, a progressive and inclusive K to 12 school advocating for peace education located in Paranaque City. In cooperation with Mr. Reigner Sanchez of Sibika.ph and of the Social Action Unit of De La Salle Brothers, we are honored to hold “PILIpino AKO: A Virtual Discernment Workshop for Young and Future Voters” on April 11 and 12, 2022, 9am-4pm.
It is the goal of the workshop to empower our youth, 16 years old and up, in crucial decision making for our country. The 2-day virtual workshop will be given for free, to encourage active participation and engagement from Junior High School Level students of CLP School and other schools and youth organizations, as well as alumni and other interested youth. It will also hold space for young people with special needs that would appropriately address their needs in light of this matter. There will be about 25 facilitators that can guide up to 100 participants.
The program includes Asynchronous Tasks or challenges that will allow participants to explore resources about our nation’s history, government, current events, pressing issues, principles and values. Synchronous Sessions for Day 1 will open with “Pagninilay” a workshop in the breakout room on our personal hopes and dreams and our shared goals for the country in line with our Constitution and values as a Filipino nation. A plenary discussion on the role of our vote in shaping the country and the role of government officials both elected and appointed will be led by Mr. Reigner Sanchez and will feature Bro. Armin Luistro as one of the key panelists.
For Day 2, the participants will be producing their own Philippine Leaders criteria checklist of Character, Competence and Platform for each government position to fill up in this coming election. In the afternoon, they shall creatively present their checklist in various forms in order to enjoin others to discern their choices for this coming election and in future elections.
In this light, we would like to invite you to send participants, 16 years old and above, to register for this workshop at https://bit.ly/PartyRegistration_PILIpinoAkoWorkshop for groups of 2 or more and https://bit.ly/IndependentRegistration_PILIpinoAkoWorkshop for individuals. Slots are limited, and will be on a first to register, first served basis.
We look forward to sharing this unique experience with you and your participants. For questions or more details, please email us at admin@creativelearningpaths.edu.ph or Creative Learning Paths school FB messenger / viber: 09778161211 (T. Alyssa) or 09988549498 (T.Tin).