
PRESS RELEASE: You Can Sit With CES–Inclusivity and Diversity Seminar

With almost everything going back to normal, students, employees, and other workers are now transitioning back to a face-to-face setup. It is in their respective workplaces that they meet various people with different personalities and backgrounds that distinguishes them from one another. One of the greatest benefits of having a face-to-face setup is that communication becomes much easier. Conversations are more personal, and team coordination is more efficient, making it easier to build chemistry with our peers naturally. On the other hand, being used to an online setup for 2 years made it difficult for some to interact and socialize with their peers since the feeling of shyness and awkwardness lingers from the isolation brought on by the pandemic. This is where an inclusive and diverse workplace plays its part since it ensures that working environments make it easier and more comfortable for its employees/personnel to speak up and treat each other like family. Aside from that, it also increases the productivity and creativity of the employees since they are able to obtain ideas from various people with distinct personalities, beliefs, and mindsets. 

But, how can we determine if a workplace is inclusive and diverse? How can we achieve inclusivity and diversity? Well, look no further because the Civil Engineering Society plans to answer these questions.

You Can Sit With CES: Inclusivity and Diversity Seminar is an online seminar that aims to raise awareness about the issue of inclusivity and diversity in the workplace. The event has invited a guest speaker from Accenture to share their insights and tackle the importance of inclusivity and diversity inside the workplace. 

The event also intends to help and show how students are able to determine whether a company is inclusive or not. Especially since some students will be graduating by the end of this school year, it is vital that they look at their options with keen eyes. The working environment that they will choose will eventually affect their physical, emotional, and mental well-being; hence, options must be thoroughly sorted out. As for non-graduating students, this is a chance to build good habits during their college years to better prepare themselves for life after school. Whether it be in their academics or organization/s, a healthy inclusive environment is essential in generating success in every project they will partake in.

What are you waiting for? Join us this November 16th, 2022 from 1:00 PM-2:30 PM. It will be free of charge and accessible through the Civil Engineering Society Facebook page.

See you!

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