The foremost members of The La Sallian had but a humble goal of narrating the tales of Lasallites. In fact, the first Letter from the Editor, which we’ve come to discover was from the first editor in chief, expressed that it was a continuation of the work of its precursor, an “honest attempt to render the best service” to La Salle.
Now, 63 years since then, The LaSallian has transcended these modest beginnings. It has morphed into an essential organ in the University, one that challenges its readers to grasp the implications of what they do, to be critical of what they think, and to broaden what they know.
Admittedly, the path we’ve trodden has not been without hurdles. Syntax errors have been published, opinions came across as out of touch, and immediacy came at the cost of accuracy. But these have not devalued our work; all of these mistakes do not undermine the lifeblood and moving force that rests upon generations of Lasallian student journalists: the relentless pursuit of justice and an unwavering dedication to service.
And serve indeed the publication has throughout its existence. Since our maiden issue that commenced years of critical reportage; a dictatorship that eroded basic human rights and civil liberties; revolutions that toppled a despot and ousted a plunderer; the rise, fall, and rebirth of the student government; to the metamorphosis of University policies; we chased leads and uncovered buried narratives.
We’ve evolved through the broadsheet—even once evading censorship by rebranding to a magazine—eventually embracing the migration of our audience to digital and online platforms. It has been a journey of change, yet what has endured is the purpose, all of it done with the students’ welfare in mind.
The LaSallian shall continue the time-honored tradition and commitment to the truth. For over six decades, editors and staffers alike have erected the foundations of our legacy, sowing and shaping ideas piece by piece. And now we put it together: we ask, we tell, we interpret, and we persuade.
This mandate takes root in what our former News editor Ephraim Romero described as the University’s “boldness and radicalism in thought” and the “fundamental premise” of our rights as citizens to scrutinize “any power over the destinies of others.” The LaSallian is not a thing apart from DLSU, and DLSU is not a thing apart from Philippine society. It is our responsibility to enliven the Lasallian’s and Filipino’s inalienable rights by shedding light on what should matter to them.
As a publication, a storied one at that, our duty is clear: to be chroniclers of history as it unfolds. But bigger than that, we write what should not be forgotten. We tell these stories, and tell them again, so that they may endure the passage of time. We do this, not content with being mere bystanders and passive recorders, but with the intent to penetrate the conventions of a complaisant society.
For the function of a newspaper is to inform, but the value of a journalist is to question.