Menagerie Menagerie Feature

Be a man: Understanding modern masculinity

Painted by different cultures, gender, and historic times, the portrait of the ideal man is diverse, transforming the long enduring concept of mansculinity into different forms. As modern drag queens, flamboyant fashion designers, skilled makeup artists, and transgender individuals are now more accepted as “men” in society, it becomes clear that “being a man” is…


Feminism: Who lives, who dies, who tells your story

Feminism. Very few topics in contemporary culture bring up as diverse a reaction as this. From the academic to the political to the personal, it’s been discussed across different spectrums. From liberty explicitly female, to egalitarian ideals, how did we get where we are, and how do we move forward?     Go West In…


Screening for intimacy

A cultural behemoth, that’s what it is. There is no arguing how the internet and by extension, social media, occupies a unique place in our lives. Its ubiquity brings with it modes of communication and interaction that most take for granted, hiding in plain sight. For the internet is now so integrated in how we…

Menagerie Menagerie Feature

(K)in defiance: The blaze that is non-conformity

Family has a hallowed place in Filipino society. For decades, the model of the nuclear family has been hailed as the archetype of virtuous citizens in a strong community. The dutiful wife, the provider husband, two children, and a nice home—the only thing society will deem as the epitome of a fulfilled life. Anything different…

Menagerie Menagerie Feature

Too much or too little? : Examining the art of reinvention

  “New year, new me” is a saying that has been repeated since time immemorial, or at least since Facebook was invented. The way we choose to express ourselves is a constant work in progress. The thought of reinventing oneself has probably crossed everyone’s mind once or twice. Whether it’s finally going to the gym…

Menagerie Feature

A DLSU Christmas for all

A White Rice Christmas When I was in Senior High, I isolated myself in class. I would be terrified about interacting with any of my classmates. Even in lectures, I would hold back from reciting even when I knew my answer was correct. Anytime I pushed myself to step up, I was stopped by the…

Menagerie Menagerie Feature

DLSU Freedom Wall: Speak your mind but be kind

Filipinos love social media. Back in February, a study by the London-based group We Are Social made rounds in the news when they reported that, with an average of roughly 4 hours a day, we top the charts when it comes to global social media usage. To the average young adult, sites like Facebook, Twitter,…