Menagerie Menagerie Feature

Too much or too little? : Examining the art of reinvention

  “New year, new me” is a saying that has been repeated since time immemorial, or at least since Facebook was invented. The way we choose to express ourselves is a constant work in progress. The thought of reinventing oneself has probably crossed everyone’s mind once or twice. Whether it’s finally going to the gym…

Menagerie Menagerie Feature

DLSU Freedom Wall: Speak your mind but be kind

Filipinos love social media. Back in February, a study by the London-based group We Are Social made rounds in the news when they reported that, with an average of roughly 4 hours a day, we top the charts when it comes to global social media usage. To the average young adult, sites like Facebook, Twitter,…


Locker Room Talk: A perspective on the machismo culture

In recent times, sexism and misogyny have become rampant topics debated over online. Threads on social media platforms have opened up several issues for discourse such as sexual entitlement and catcalling behavior. Swarms of people, particularly men, have been called out on social media, and a rising topic is why many men feel sexually entitled…