
What went wrong: Explaining the pitfalls of the plebiscite

For the third time in six academic years, the University Student Government (USG) opened a plebiscite to the students, proposing that changes, such as the number of elected officers and increased accountability of appointed officers, be made in the USG constitution. The voting period was originally slated during the first week of November, but a temporary…


Department chairpersons explain mid-term professor changes

Every enlistment period, students consider several factors when they create their class schedules. There are students who select classes based on the their time slots, while others choose them on the basis of their venues. Most students, however, are particular with the professors offered when they complete their schedules. With the expectation that their preferred…


Weighing out ITEO’s faculty evaluation process

Evaluating professors has become a common practice among Lasallians every term. In the middle of each term, Lasallians are notified by the Institutional Testing and Evaluation Office (ITEO) of the need to accomplish an online assessment of their professors’ performance in their My.LaSalle accounts. In case students have not accomplished the assessment by the stipulated…


K-12 program could jeopardize DLSU’s faculty count

With the responsibility of teaching more than 16,000 undergraduate and almost 4,000 graduate students, De La Salle University (DLSU) satisfies the demand of tertiary and graduate education by hiring qualified professors to teach the different courses that it offers. According to the DLSU website, there are 1,129 faculty members employed by DLSU, 479 of which…


Registrar clarifies policies to be implemented during the special term

The Office of the University Registrar released a guide for the special term, laying out how the University plans to smoothly transition to the new academic calendar. By next academic year, classes at De La Salle University (DLSU) will begin in August. The special term is the transition period between the current academic year, which…


USG announces constitution revisions during town hall meeting

The University Student Government (USG) held a town hall meeting earlier today at the Central Plaza to announce proposed revisions on the USG constitution. The town hall meeting was organized by the USG as a means to relay information to the student body concerning the upcoming plebiscite. The plebiscite is the forthcoming event wherein students…


Admin finalizes plans for transition year and ASEAN integration

To address the requirements of the 2015 Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) integration, De La Salle University (DLSU) has been planning for a smooth transition into the New Lasallian Core Curriculum (NLCC) and the upcoming academic calendar shift.   Filipino in the GEC and NLCC Last June 2013, the Commission on Higher Education (CHED)…

Headlines University

Addressing academic calendar shift woes: Pointers from UP and UST

De La Salle University (DLSU) is set to implement this shift.


#WhiteForServs: An expression of Lasallian activism

Last June 28, Guillo Servando, a student of De La Salle-College of St. Benilde (DLS-CSB), passed away due to multiple injuries that he sustained from the initiation rites of a fraternity, more commonly known as hazing. This tragedy has gained various reactions from different sectors as some want fraternities to be banned while others wish…


Legislative Assembly holds term-end session

The Legislative Assembly (LA) had its last session for the first term of the academic year, yesterday, August 15 at the University Student Government (USG) Conference Room.   USG Code of Conduct The Code of Conduct (COC) for USG officers and political parties was the first proposal discussed. A thorough discussion on the semantics of…

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