
Janitors for a day

Janitors: we see them all the time around campus, sporting their white, unsung uniforms and carrying buckets, mops, and brooms. Some strike up a conversation with them, some see them but don’t acknowledge their presence, and for others, they might as well just be another face in a sea of faces. Meet Ate Amy and…


The legacy of Mang Jack

In television, discipline officers are depicted as larger-than-life, clipboard-carrying, bloodthirsty hunters of rule-breakers and hoodlums. They carry in their hands every student’s fear: The deadly, unmistakable pink slip of paper with the words ‘DETENTION’ clearly written on it. Their spine-chilling “see me after class” mantra is enough to scare a student out of his wits…

Headlines Menagerie

Inside the Learning Commons

For us Lasallians, we are fortunate enough to have the Henry Sy, Sr. Hall to call our library, but there’s more to this building than meets the eye.


In the name of Bengga

In this technology-driven world, snail mail has become a thing of the past, and mobile apps have become the latest innovation of the present. Nowadays, hundreds of apps are being designed for every smartphone user. Be it for entertainment or for business – the choices are infinite, but among the more popular apps downloaded today…