
The enduring condolences for Filipino-Palestinian refugees

As Fllipino-Palestinian families from Gaza adjust to life in the Philippines, the memory of their war-torn lands continues to torment them.


Musikangbayan is music by the people, for the people

Musikangbayan frontman Danny Fabella writes songs of love, community, and resistance dedicated to the Filipino people.


Larger than life: Filipino drag kings challenge the mainstream

Not a lot of people know of the drag kings in the country, but these artists are fascinating to watch as they challenge the gender binary.


Molded to perfection: The art of food models

There is much passion and precision that goes into the act of creating eye-catching pieces—more so if it involves catching one’s appetite, such as in fake food art.


Grit and glamor: Reimagining masculinity through male pageantry

Male pageantry redefines traditional masculinity by celebrating all physicalities of the male nature. In doing this, the notion of toxic masculinity is unraveled and destroyed.


Writer’s Recap: Celebrating selfless love in ‘Agape—Live in Love’

Last February 15, the Laguna Campus Student Government (LCSG) had its first onsite acquaintance party titled, Agape: Live in Love. The event stood for two interchangeable meanings—first, to “live” life in love, and second, to party “live” on campus—and sought to celebrate the universal theme of selfless love.  Merriment suffused the One Mission Park as…


Rant and Rave: A taste of Taft cuisine—Part One

Variety A day in the life of a student at DLSU is not complete without chowing down on a filling meal. Some may opt for a hearty rice platter to start their day, others may choose a lighter fare of salads and snacks. But for most students, finding the definitive place to fill their appetites…


Today’s storytellers of the streets take it one mural at a time

These art pieces go beyond vandalism and rebellion. With their striking colors, graffiti epigrams paint the plight of society for all to see.


Writer’s Recap: Lasallian Christmas spirit rekindled at ‘Animo Christmas! 2022’

After two years of Christmas festivities online, the University opened its gates to the Lasallian community once again for the opening of the much-awaited Animo Christmas! 2022, which was held on campus last December 2. More than 1,000 members of the Lasallian community—as estimated by the Office of the Vice President for Lasallian Mission—gathered as…