
DLSU, Inc.

It really does not matter, what kind of accent one will use to say this; it just does not sound right, and for a good and legitimate reason. Over the past decades, corporations have taken over the world. They have controlled governments, like in South America, they have dictated the way the world should be…



The DLSU student discipline system is perfect—efficient, just and arguably flawless. Forgetting all the outlier cases that might have tarnished such a perfect record, which are of course perfectly acceptable much like a small virus on a desktop computer, say, a Trojan virus; the system still works fine. We have a clear, but more importantly,…

Headlines University

USG constitution to be revised next term

Revisions for the University Student Government (USG) Constitution will be made this coming Third Term of AY 2011-2012. Lexi Sedano, USG Chief Legislator, explains that revisions can only be made every three years. Beatrice Liu, Chair of the Rules and Policies committee in charge of this academic year’s resolutions, discloses that they are still going…

Headlines University

Getting student justice in DLSU: All in due time

Laws apply to both the governing and the governed. They are kept to maintain order, reprimand wrongdoings and to protect everyone, maintaining equal treatment among those in power and the citizenry. Due process enforces the basic right of protection against accusers, and authenticates the validity of a law-breaking act. As mandated by Art. III, Sec.1…


Creating a world-class image for DLSU

From 1979 to 1998, Br. Andrew Gonzalez FSC served as president of DLSU. During those years, DLSU sent professors abroad to study, and to bring back valuable experience to the students and the blooming research university. University Fellow, Dr. Tereso Tullao Jr., reflects on this period as a critical point for DLSU. DLSU professors made…


The price of development: DLSU’s financial engagements

Recently, DLSU renamed its different colleges, specifically the College of Business (COB) and the College of Engineering to the Ramon V. Del Rosario Jr.-College of Business (RVR-COB) and the Gokongwei College of Engineering (GCOE) respectively. These institutions were both named after two alumni who relentlessly furnished endowments for further development of their respective colleges and…


Before the crossroads

Jesus once said, “Let him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone at her.” The answer—do not. “I had a brother!,” said a member of the Bielski partisan, as she hit a German soldier with the end of her rifle. A crowd of justice-hungry Jews beat the soldier to…

Headlines University

Students and teachers crossing the line

Nadine saw her History professor getting on the same Taft-bound MRT train as she was. He didn’t see her, but from afar, she saw her professor holding hands with a stranger. She moved closer to the couple only to find out that her professor was holding hands with her batch mate, who was at least 10 years younger than the professor.

Headlines University

Legislative Assembly votes against opening of the election code

Monina Dumaual of EdGE2010, the only University Student Government (USG) officer who is from the political party Alyansang Tapat sa Lasalista (Tapat), was also the only Legislative Assembly (LA) representative who voted for the resolution to open the Election Code.


St. La Salle Hall, to undergo retrofitting

Preparations are already underway for the retrofitting of the iconic St. La Salle Hall next term. Retrofitting is the process of reinforcing the foundation of historical buildings to resist natural calamities and to fit into the changing city building standard. The whole retrofitting process will take one year to finish. It is included in the…