
Our epoch of music

Benjamin Britten, magnum compositor, had never been more spot-on when he quipped that music weaves both the “cruel beauty of nature and the everlasting beauty of monotony” in its chords. Indeed, music, as with many other facets of life, runs parallel to time and trends. For something so painfully abstract yet harshly concrete – an…


Vignette: Grassroot graphics

Many are aware of DC’s and Marvel’s spandex-clad heroes and heroines, the icons of the graphic novel medium. Unbeknownst to many, some of the world’s favorite characters, from Captain Marvel to Jonah Hex, have been illustrated by our homegrown talents, the likes of which include the late Alfredo Alcala and Tony DeZuniga. Even less known…


Rant and Rave: Cloud Atlas

Rating 3.5 “If you, dear reader, can extend your patience for just a moment, you will find there is a method to this tale of madness,” writes Cavendish prophetically at the beginning of the movie. He narrates the line as if asking the audience, ‘please give us time to weave this yarn’, a tangled knot…


Short Feature: Of Apocalypses and Fantasies

On December 21, 2012, a while ago, we woke for the last time. The sky will be shadowed with gray clouds tinged a blood-red on a day the sun will not rise. A large celestial body, be it a comet or planet Nibiru, will come hurtling down as we watch helplessly. Conquest, War, Famine, and…

Headlines Menagerie

Ten artists who tell us otherwise

Take a look at your iPod (or whatever MP3 player you might use) right now and check your top-played list. John Mayer, Katy Perry, Maroon 5 – chances are, it’s a foreign artist. Now, take a look at the top OPM artists on the MYX Daily Top Ten today – chances are it’s nothing but…


The waiting game

An On-the-Go Culture/Cutting Lines In this day and age, we have streamlined countless everyday activities to maximize time. Time is gold or rather money, as some would like to say, and society has created ways for us to bypass the requirement of waiting in life, or at least minimize it. We have cell phones to…

Headlines Menagerie

A few midnight haunts

Self-proclaimed night owls are up and about, more alive at night than they were during the coffee-born day.  After a long day at work or in school, they prowl the streets of the Metro and urban areas looking for a place to unwind, and temporarily forget the stress daylight chores bring. This month, The Menagerie…


Rant and Rave: ‘Captive’ by Brilliante Mendoza

Rating: 2.0/4.0 In the wake of Cinemalaya, Filipino audiences were exposed to a different film genre known for its poignant portrayal of Filipino issues and subject matter that delivers a fresh and bold voice that captures the obscure. The LaSallian had the opportunity to watch an exclusive premiere for one of the biggest indie films…