
A look at DLSU’s Gamelab

Almost everyone’s enjoyed creating and playing with their own personal avatar in The Sims, but have you ever wondered how the cities and environments in the game are actually made? We’ve all wasted precious hours (and sleep) playing and replaying Flappy Bird, but have you ever stopped to consider who might be behind this diabolical…


The darker moments in DLSU’s history

You may not realize it, but your footsteps fall on the same ground that those who were brutally massacred walked on. You may not think much of it, but the halls you pass by everyday are silent testimonies of a nation’s struggle to rebuild itself after a war that changed the world. You may not…


Discovering indie games

Video games are the most interactive form of entertainment you can enjoy on the couch. You can play the hero with any superpowers you want, the villain with more guns than you can imagine and somewhere in between, you can find yourself going on quests helping random people while being just as likely to inflict…


Keeping a pulse on Philippine literature

Philippine literature, coming a long way from its humble pre-Spanish beginnings and nationalistic propagandas to modern 21st century writings, is an expression of our culture and experiences. As long as there are those who write their ideas on paper and share them with others, it’s hard to think we could actually run out of things…


Green Parody Series: Keeping up the parody

The second part of our parody account series is about the ups and downsof @Amphigong, @MoreFunInDLSU, and @Lozolpls.


Green Parody Series:  Backgrounds and beginnings

No classes in STC. I thought ONE LA SALLE?! RT if One La Salle pls 🙁 — More Fun In DLSU (@morefuninDLSU) July 14, 2014 What is a parody account? Their tweets make people laugh about anything from students’ struggles to the University’s events. Parody accounts regularly inject humor into Lasallian life and gain a…

Headlines Menagerie

Professor problems

With all the problems that come with completing a course, rarely do we think about what challenges lie on the other side of the classroom.


Repeaters: Another chance

As one types the MyLasalle URL in the search bar, the three months of the past term flash back with every period of the address and all the time and effort (or the lack of it) that one has dedicated to the term’s subjects suddenly dawns heavily.  Were all my late nights worth it? Did…