Joseph Aristotle De Leon shares his digging quest to uncover the Earth’s depths with RAMUN, a real-time underground monitoring system that won the James Dyson Award 2024.
Tag: Behind the Spectacles
For medical workers, the post-pandemic era presents a unique landscape marked by the rise in telehealth services, collaborative programs, and new disease surveillance methods.
By embracing innovative waste management technologies, Filipinos can reduce their food waste, meet energy demands, and transition toward a circular economy.
Paolo Domondon started a life in activism at a young age. Decades later, he remains steadfast in tackling problems related to climate change and social unrest.
At its core, CrabTECH Innovations strives to build a network of crab farmers and equip them with 21st century skills.
Dr. Fides del Castillo is the first Asian to receive the Lamin Sanneh Research Grant, which recognizes her mission to understand diverse expressions of faith.
From studying industrial engineering in DLSU to leading a department, Dr. Charlle Sy’s life has been filled with unexpected opportunities.
While working abroad is a common financial goal for Filipinos, for LGBTQ+ Filipinos it may also be a personal one.
In mass gatherings, the sheer number of people that show up poses a risk of injury, especially in the case of moving crowds.
Over the last few decades, unabated carbon emissions have fueled climate change, with the Philippines contributing 150.6 million tons of carbon dioxide in 2019. By creating technology-advanced and fuel-efficient cars, young individuals from De La Salle University are applying their knowledge of Engineering and Computer Technology to create solutions that reduce carbon emissions. The DLSU…