Avengers: Endgame is the culmination of over a decade worth of films brought to us by the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). Spearheaded by Anthony and Joe Russo, the film follows the somber conclusion of 2018’s Avengers: Infinity War, with the film being the epic finish to the 22 film story woven by a plethora of…
Tag: Movie
Rant and Rave: Us
In pop culture, it sometimes takes a while before a film director’s name becomes associated with a certain level of quality. Though for Jordan Peele, it did not take very long. Perhaps a part of it can be attributed to the fact that his name was already relatively well-known before taking on directing roles, being…
After more than half a year without a Marvel Studios film in theaters, Captain Marvel makes her debut on the big screen. This is Marvel Studios’ first foray into a female-led film, with it being the 21st film in the massive franchise that has become known as the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). Directed by Anna…
“There are these divine accidents. It’s the only thing that keeps films from being dead.” Orson Welles often attributed the best part of films to what he called “divine accidents”—the perfect shot or even the perfect scene was born from these, he claimed. Perhaps it’s a divine accident then that after over four decades since…
There is an ongoing pursuit of originality in recent media, however, sometimes this drive gets blindsided by the inability to properly give certain elements the buildup and attention it deserves. For a film that discusses music, love, individuality, addiction, and mental illness, A Star is Born is not safe from both appreciation and critique–it hit…
Oro Reviewed by Samantha Se Oro is based on the true story of a tiny village situated on an isolated island. The islands’ inhabitants make their living by extracting and purifying gold deposits that they collect from a cave near their village. This is a major source of income for the villagers’ families, and most…
Saving Sally Reviewed by Casey Eridio Months before its initial release, Saving Sally popped up in almost everyone’s Facebook news feed. The trailer, which featured the film’s quirky animations and fairytale-esque narration, caught the attention of those who proudly wear the geek badge, as well as those who were simply looking for something different. But…
Rant and Rave: Ghostbusters
“Ain’t no bitches gonna hunt no ghosts,” reads one comment on a YouTube video of the newly formed Ghostbusters, which was uploaded after their first mission. Leader Abby Yates, played by Melissa McCarthy, yelps “Oh!” then decides to read the other comments to decompress. This jarring moment might make some viewers gasp or laugh while…
Many have dubbed the past few years as the “Age of the Comic Book Movie,” with the two leading comic book companies, Marvel and DC, each launching their respective cinematic universes. Several movies featuring heroes and villains from both companies have since been announced, with at least six slated to come out in 2016 alone.…
Rant and Rave: 10 Cloverfield Lane
When the surprise trailer was released a mere two months before the film itself, savvy internet users regarded 10 Cloverfield Lane as another welcome hug from the franchise that birthed the cult found footage hit set in New York. At the same time, it’s both amazing and perplexing to think of how the thriller managed…