Christmas is universally known as the most wonderful time of the year. But after gifts are unwrapped and lights turned off, nature has to deal with a grueling aftermath.
Tag: Nota Bene
A special touch to countless cuisines, spiciness divides people into two: those who love it and those who do not.
Infamously known for taking the lives of our beloved furry friends, parvovirus is still a cureless disease affecting both pets and humans.
Technology is constantly finding new ways to bring convenience to life. Digital therapeutics are one example, allowing people to hold their therapists at the palm of their hands.
By feeding programs with data, AI software can learn how to run their own programs, write their own stories, and now, generate unique images including art and realistic faces.
While music is known to be a vivid treat to the ears, neurological studies show that the brain also gets a taste of its benefits—maybe even in life-saving ways.
HEVs are the alternative created with the aim of striking a balance between electric and internal combustion engine vehicles.
Lurking within the connective tissues of human anatomy, sarcomas are complex cancers that are difficult to treat and diagnose.
As the country continues to urbanize, low impact development solutions may prove crucial in braving the rainy season.
While PFAS make many modern comforts possible, they come at a steep cost for the environment and our health.