
Handle with care: Unpacking misconceptions on sustainability

Now that the world has found itself at the mercy of a climate crisis, the need has arisen for a middle ground—which, as agreed upon by 193 countries in the United Nations, was sustainable development. These days, sustainability is more commonly known through the proliferation of metal straws and Instagram-worthy eco-friendly packaging. However, this commercialized…


Finding a home in animal shelters

City sidewalks have long been a refuge for strays and abandoned animals alike. Left alone in the cold to fend for their survival, these furry little creatures have had to face harrowing ordeals, come rain or shine. Death is a fate that many have succumbed to—either due to hunger or the injuries and illnesses sustained…


Looking into the promise of urban planning

Filipinos are no strangers to the sight of congested streets filled with sprawling lines of bumper-to-bumper traffic. The unforgiving sight of long, busy queues at transport terminals, with trains and buses filled to the brim with disgruntled commuters no longer faze the most seasoned commuters—in fact, it would be stranger for cities to be devoid…

Menagerie Menagerie Feature

The category is: Untucking the art of Philippine drag

Glue the lashes, pucker the lips, and bring home the tips. The moment their heels step out of their cramped dressing rooms and into the stage, drag queens give such sickening performances that leave audiences all over the metro gasping for air.  To simply call them entertainers is to do injustice to drag’s long history…

Menagerie Menagerie Feature

Sigaw sa kanayunan: The uphill battle for genuine agrarian reform

The gargantuan task of feeding a nation typically falls on the Filipino farmers’ weary shoulders—but for a people who receive only a little recognition, if any at all, the burden may be too great in exchange. The everyday farmer endures back-breaking work under harsh conditions, and must contend with numerous challenges, principal of which is…


Frame by frame: Philippine animation’s growing pains

Time and time again, the art of animation has captured the fun and refreshing ideas and brought their magic to our screens. Studios such as Disney, Pixar, Dreamworks, and Studio Ghibli continue to invest hundreds of hours into carefully crafting countless classics and producing tales of wonderful whimsy to warm the heart. And while animation…


Taking up space: The rise of Filipina plus-size models

Models have always symbolized the unattainable, embodying perfection on catwalks, billboards, and magazine spreads. The confidence that these fashion muses exude have always been staples in how they are perceived—everything from their hairstyles, to their seemingly flawless skin, to the designer clothes, are carefully engineered to elicit want in everyone who lays eyes on them.…


Play ad: The changing landscape of Philippine advertising

“Ampon po ba ako?” a child in tears asks his mother. A scene like this conjures in our minds a typical narrative of loss—except this ad is anything but typical. A moment later, the child sprawls on the table and demands an explanation why there are four glasses attached to his back. With the truth…


Survival of the fittest: Making a living in wet markets

Gone are the days when anyone could freely head to a public market to purchase fresh meat, fruits, and vegetables. With community quarantine measures in place, many livelihoods have been upended. Eight months on, and the many businesses in the country are still struggling to adopt solutions to survive an economy in recession. Among the…


To the beat, to the rhythm: Peering into competitive ballroom dancing

Under the floodlights, hand in hand, pairs take to the dance floor. On certain days, they hold each other close, hearts beating loud. On some, they glide across the expanse of the room, with one leading the other, twisting and turning together in long, elegant strides. And on others, they dance in a flurry to…