
Sinulog Festival: A performance of praise

“Pit Senyor! Pit Senyor!” Sound familiar? This infectious chant, most likely encountered during the Sinulog Festival, is a truncated version of “Pit Senyor kang Mama kini, Pit Senyor kang Papa kini.” The Señor Santo Nino is one of the most revered sacred relics in the Philippines, and the reason Filipinos flock to Cebu every third…

Menagerie Menagerie Feature

Faces of DLSU: Hospitality with a smile

“Saan tayo kakain?” is a question that is always hard to answer. Hungry from learning, or just plain hungry, friends usually gather together during their lunch breaks to discuss the possible places they can eat together. One can go to Agno, or to any of the various restaurants surrounding the school. Besides those, though, there…


25 Cents’ Worth: Blocked

A typical scenario: It’s the start of the term. Professors are meeting their classes for the first time and are explaining the syllabus of their respective subjects. They mention that the final project is a paper that’ll be due three weeks before the term ends. You’re in the class and you make sure to write…


Rant and Rave: Blue Neighbourhood

Big dreams are gateways to big achievements. A dedicated singer at the age of 6 and a Youtube star at the age of 14, Troye Sivan has made music and videos his passion. Citing Michael Jackson as an inspiration, his Youtube popularity became an avenue, first for his covers, and then eventually into releasing his…


Gift-giving guidelines

Ah, December. It’s the most wonderful time of the year for some, but it can be the most dreaded for others, what with the new wave of troubles it brings for us all: the glorious feasts threatening our diets, the fully booked flights and hotels, the crazy holiday traffic, and last but not the least,…

Menagerie Menagerie Feature

Christmas for Grinches

Christmas is here and the excitement is palpable. Christmas-themed merchandise have overwhelmed the shelves, Christmas songs are played endlessly on loop, and most of our favorite TV characters have probably saved Christmas in their respective shows by now. But while Christmas is loved by millions of people worldwide, there are those who aren’t nearly as…


Chinoy problems: They’re getting old!

Chinoys have been around in the Philippines for quite some time now, but there’s still no denying the impressions some Filipinos may have towards them. A sizeable chunk of DLSU-Manila’s student population actually comprises of Chinoys. As a member of that chunk myself, I’ve been asked some pretty strange questions regarding my lineage, heritage, and…


The anatomy of a frosh

Packed discussion rooms in the library and the smell of freshly photocopied finals reviewers in the air during the past few weeks could have only meant one thing: the term was finally ending. For batch 115, more commonly known as this year’s resident frosh, this marks the end of not just any term, but their first…


Poetry isn’t dead

“Painting is silent poetry, and poetry is painting that speaks.” – Plutarch The audience at Natividad Fajardo-Rosario Gonzales auditorium was silent last November 13, when DLSU Writer’s Guild organized Reverie: Lost in Words, an event that showcased Filipino spoken word poets both individually and in groups. Everyone’s gaze was transfixed on the stage. No one dared…


Five 2015 movies the casual moviegoer might have missed

As the end of the year approaches, we’ve all seen our fair share of 2015’s blockbuster movies. You’d be hard pressed to find someone who hasn’t seen the new Avengers movie, or the latest installation of the James Bond series. However, some quality movies aren’t promoted as vigorously, and outside of the United States, only…