Opinion Opinion Feature

Jab, hook, straight

Life is often likened to a race—a marathon—where pacing yourself is necessary to last the whole stretch. We run with an end goal in mind, the finish line being our inspiration to cover the distance ahead of us in a finite amount of time. We start running and we do not stop—not looking back, in…

Opinion Opinion Feature

Fighting for what matters

Something unusual happened online recently, which caught my—and the rest of the student body’s—attention. The sister of one of the candidates for an Executive Board position called out her sibling’s opponent for allegedly spreading false allegations of corruption. Her brother was lending pens to voters heading for the booth. During this time, the other candidate…

Opinion Opinion Feature

Out of the bubble

A few months ago, I attended the annual Metro Manila Pride March as part of my job of covering national events for the publication as its Photo Section Editor. I went to the march only in mind to take a couple of impressive photos and adding good shots to my portfolio in mind. The assignment…

Opinion Opinion Feature

Change or status quo?

Business cases are normal in the College of Business. However, there are some case analyses that leave you with a certain type of feeling. It leaves you with a lingering question, or maybe with an impression that you have a mission to fulfill. In my Corporate Social Responsibility and Governance class, we were assigned the…

Opinion Opinion Feature

Laws and morals

“What is legal may not always be moral.” Those were the words that kept echoing in my mind while I was heading back home from school. As my parents picked me up, It felt like it would be another ordinary evening for the three of us. My mother would ask how my day was and…

Opinion Opinion Feature

Can anybody find me somebody to love?

This is not about my love life or lack thereof. Rather, this is the story behind my biggest insecurity: my faith. All my life, I attended Catholic schools. My educational environment was conservative; I went to church every week with my parents, said grace before meals, and thanked the Almighty before going to bed. It…

Opinion Opinion Feature

Old and bold

Imagine finally achieving your wildest dream. You’re in that moment; you hear people’s cheers, their claps, all while they congratulate you. They’re celebrating you and you see their smiles, feel their joy. You’ve attained success. I remember experiencing such when I was able to achieve my dream in college. When I was in my first…

Opinion Opinion Feature

Preserving my pride

My whole life, I was convinced that it was only I who knew myself completely. All the necessary forms of conviction and affirmation came from my own words, my own thoughts. With this in mind, I expressed myself in ways that I thought were comfortable and most definitely real. However, there was a time when…

Opinion Opinion Feature

Love will always win

Back when most of us were younger, we were taught that marriage was a union between a man and a woman. Today, this notion has been challenged several times already, especially now with the LGBTQ+ community pushing for the legalization of same-sex marriages across the globe. The Netherlands was the first country to allow same-sex…

Opinion Opinion Feature

Stand your ground

Recently, the news of mandatory ROTC or Reserve Officers’ Training Corps made rounds on social media. The bill was approved by the House of Representatives on May 20; however, the Senate’s version of the bill is still pending. The controversial bill would make military training under ROTC mandatory for all senior high school students in…