
Stories break down walls

by CJ CHANCO I left TLS with dreams of becoming a journalist. Rarely do things pan out the way we expect them to. After about a year of working at a non-profit, I find myself again with the equally non-profitable and lowly job description of “university researcher”. Both have involved doing what I love best,…


Things I’ve learned eight years after graduation

by DONELLE GAN Wow, it has been almost a decade since I last wrote for The LaSallian. People get old way too quickly. With age though, I have learned a few things, so let me share some of these things. Learning never stops. Let me talk about this in 3 dimensions. The first one is: I…

Opinion Opinion Feature

New politics

When former President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo rose to power as the country’s chief executive back in 2001, she carried with her the promise of new politics — politics that is not personality-based, free of dubious acts and from pretenses, mimicry, and corruption. It is a bright image to promise, a dream that, for many, seemed very…


On being wrong

“Learn to enjoy being wrong,” a friend had told me once, as I stood clutching my high school diploma, all hope and youthful optimism, glad to have finally finished secondary education. This was four years ago, and I remember the urgency in her eyes as she told me, “Intellectual humility is as rare as it…


(Misman)age of social media

Social media opens doors to a plethora of information in an instant with just a few clicks. For a lot of us, this has become so convenient that it’s almost become second nature to believe almost anything we see online. I won’t deny that I’ve been led to believe most of what I see shared…


Game 162

How can you not be romantic about baseball? It is an odd game with odd rules and very odd means in measuring a man. And all the oddities boil down to a single concept – timing. You can scatter 1,000 hits over the course of a player’s uneventful career while a single hit could make…


An engineering education

Engineering is universal. It is all around us, in every inch of our world and every fiber of society. It may be invisible, and it may be monumental. It is there, always. From the brisk winds that flow furiously through the Cory Aquino Democratic Space to the massive pillars of which the Henry Sy building…

Opinion Opinion Feature

The road ahead

Although many students might disagree — especially those freshly tanned and stress-free from the five-month summer break — the year ahead for DLSU is an exciting one. We have a new president, a new chancellor, and an administrative structure that was freshly reorganized for efficiency. The University has seen major changes in several facilities and…


Who’s responsible?

Last November 8, 2013, many parts of Eastern Visayas were literally wiped out by Super Typhoon Yolanda. The government immediately began its rehabilitation work with an initial budget of P160 billion. Foreign aid from different countries also started to come in, amounting to an estimated total of P740 million. By October 2014, the government funds…


Hate, not appreciate

In the song entitled No Better Blues, Chancelor Bennett, or better known by his stage name Chance the Rapper; simply sang about the things that he hate the most. One of the verses in this particular song talks about how Bennett hates his bed, the dog, the couch, the road, the bar, his boss, pancakes,…