Headlines University

USG constitution to be revised next term

Revisions for the University Student Government (USG) Constitution will be made this coming Third Term of AY 2011-2012. Lexi Sedano, USG Chief Legislator, explains that revisions can only be made every three years.

Beatrice Liu, Chair of the Rules and Policies committee in charge of this academic year’s resolutions, discloses that they are still going over the constitution and working on the delineation.

“The revision is necessary so we can update the constitution with what is needed in the USG. We are here to find clauses that need to be defined more or find provisions that no longer apply, and amend it in a way that will be more appropriate with the USG officers.” adds Sedano.

Among some of the proposed revisions the committee will tackle are those concerning the Judiciary Branch of the USG. USG President Cabe Aquino shares that there are plans to create a lower court or college-level court to supplement the magistrates in tackling cases.

Aquino hopes to include specific guidelines regarding the role of the Officer Monitoring Board (OMB), since there are no such provisions in the current constitution. The OMB is a committee under the Office of the President (OPRES) that deals with the periodic evaluation and monitoring of elected USG officers; operating procedures of the OMB depend largely on the incumbent USG president.

“Other revisions include contradictory statements,” Liu adds. “Major revisions are still being examined and will be released when all aspects of the matter are thoroughly researched.”

The revision process is as follows. A resolution for the revisions of the current constitution must first be passed. The Legislative Assembly (LA) is then allowed to make resolutions with any part of the constitution they see fit amending. It will then be deliberated by the entire assembly until unanimously approved. Another resolution for a plebiscite will take place followed by a plebiscite proper with the entire student body. The ratification of the USG Constitution amendments should be passed afterwards.

The last revision took place last November 14, 2008 by the then Student Council (SC).

Patrick Ong

By Patrick Ong

Nina dela Cruz

By Nina dela Cruz

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