Opinion Opinion Feature

Farewell, DLSU: It was an unexpected journey

Human beings are given the ability to think, comprehend and dream. Our dreams or goals in life could be short term or long term. For most of the students, earning a college degree is one of their goals.

When I was a senior in high school, I had no particular college or university to go to nor did I know what program or course to enroll in. I just followed what my mom told me: to apply and take the exam at De La Salle University.

Upon entering DLSU, my goal was simply to earn a bachelor’s degree. Lately, I realized that the goals and plans we have may change in the course of time. We may not even have a specific goal then but as we age, and maybe due to various circumstances, we start dreaming be it small or big. Shifting to a different program, joining The LaSallian, and running as its editor were never part of my plans. Having a specific goal will give us plans and steps to follow and begin with.

As I went through the halls of our campus, I became aware of how life evolves. Growing up and becoming an adult, and achieving our goals entails hardships and obstacles we have to overcome. College life is only a chapter in our life, but along the way, we will meet different people who can and will give us the knowledge, experience and wisdom we will need to go through our journey.

Another realization I had was that there is nothing permanent in life. People will come and go in our lives. There will be bad and beautiful things that we will have with them, so it will be best to enjoy the good things and make the bad things as part of our learning experiences. We have to be grateful for whatever we gained and continue on with the journey.

As graduation draws to a near, we may feel a bit scared as to what lies ahead. We are about to embark into a new journey, a new chapter in life as a college graduate. What responsibilities we have to face as adults, will we not be a burden to our parents and  society as well? We need to learn to stand on our own two feet to be independent when the time comes.

As soon-to-be adults, let us appreciate and enjoy all the good and beautiful things we had while we were still young without forgetting our goals and purpose in life.

Celine Rose Dalag

By Celine Rose Dalag

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