
Commission on Human Rights to DLSU: “Adjust” admission policies

“The enjoyment of academic freedom carries with it obligations, such as the duty to respect the academic freedom of others, to ensure the fair discussion of contrary views, and to treat all without discrimination on any of the prohibited grounds.” – Higher Education Act of 1994 Following a complaint filed by Teachers Certificate Program applicant…


Tuition fees to increase by four percent

Pursuant to a Commission on Higher Education Memorandum, stakeholders of a university must reach a consensus on the tuition fee increase on or before February 28. If no consensus is reached, the University, barring all other circumstances, may increase tuition fees by any percentage it deems fit. This month, the University, along with other stakeholders,…


Transparency starts within

When Senate President Juan Ponce Enrile’s alleged gift scandal came out, everybody was pissed. The senators who received millions in “new allocations” for their projects, among other things, did not want the public to see them as thieves. Some even went as far as lashing back at Senator Allan Peter Cayetano and Senator Miriam Defensor-Santiago…


University implements no idling policy

As per an announcement released by the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Administration last March 4, the University has resolved to implement a no idling policy in all DLSU parking areas starting on March 6. Under the guidelines, all types of motor vehicles and motorcycles will be subject to the rule. According to the…


Gawad Lasalyano 2013 encounters delay

The Gawad Lasalyano 2013 Launch will no longer push today at the Henry Sy Sr. Hall grounds due to an expected low number of attendees who RSVP’d. Vice Dean of Student Affairs Amelia Galang explains that while the Gawag Lasalyano campaign was released weeks ago, few organization members and executive board members confirmed their attendance.…



Carlos Celdran unknowingly or knowingly announced the start of an inquisition two years ago after the decision of the court last January 28, 2013, which found him guilty of violating Article 133 of the Revised Penal Code for supposedly offending religious feelings—a law that has been in the books since 1930. Based on the Manila…


DLSU-STC to use the 2012 USG Constitution

“This Constitution shall take effect the school year following the ratification by a majority of fifty percent plus one votes cast by the members of the USG at a plebiscite called for by this purpose and shall supercede all previous constitutions.”- Article XXIX of the USG constitution   Following the University’s integration with the new…


First theft incidence raises questions on CCTV cameras

Last January 21, 2013, the University recorded its first theft incidence in the third term.   Student Joaquin Flores, II CAM, lost his bag, which contained valuable electronic gadgets, at the Yuchengco lobby, during the Lasallian Media Week (LMW).   In the aforementioned student’s report to the Security and Safety Office (SSO), Flores said that…


The enemy of my enemy is my friend

Last term I was lucky enough to have a member of a dwindling population of La Salle graduates—Lasallites—as a professor. My professor, a known leftist (as many would consider themselves) during the Marcos regime, talked a lot about the “old days” when the De La Salle brothers would work together within and around the system…


Br. Ricky announces search and nominations committee results

In a letter released on the DLSU Bulletin, University President and Chancellor Br. Ricky Laguda FSC announced the results of the almost two month long search for new administrators that started last December 11, 2012.   The bulletin reads, “After a process of consultation, and after ascertaining the best interests of the University, I am…