
From ideas to applications: DLSU Institute of Biomedical Engineering & Health Technologies

Driven by advancements in technologies, the field of Biomedical Engineering, which deals with the application of Engineering principles to areas such as Biology and Health Sciences, has taken leaps and strides since its establishment. What started as a specialization for BS in Manufacturing Engineering and Management (MEM) students has now grown more prominent through the…


Women in STEM: Carla Mae Pausta on saving the environment one step at a time

The Department of Science and Technology (DOST)-Newton PhD Scholarship is a grant that awards Filipino researchers whose proposed PhD projects outline a clear path toward addressing distinct Philippine priority sectors—namely Health and Life Sciences, future cities, Agritechnology, digital innovation and security, and the improvement of environmental resilience and energy security.  To be endowed with this…


Women in STEM: Kamila Navarro on cultivating scientists in Science Communication

The media is frequently criticized for tying in scientific jargon in reportage without explanations, such as in the case of storm surges during supertyphoon Yolanda, phreatic explosions for Taal Volcano’s eruption, and even the recent coronavirus disease outbreak.  Be it due to a lack of reliable information or the inability to properly communicate with the…


Women in STEM: Davey Alba holds truth to power in Technology journalism

“If you want to know what happens to a country that has opened itself entirely to Facebook, look to the Philippines. It’s a society where, increasingly, the truth no longer matters, propaganda is ubiquitous, and lives are wrecked and people die as a result—half a world away from the Silicon Valley engineers who’d promised to…


National Academy of Science and Technology: An award and a duty

In any area of specialization, the identities and significant works of stand-out experts often become embedded into the pages of history, from names of theories and names of species to titles like “Father of Modern Genetics”. Various awards also duly recognize such excellence—the Nobel Prize and the Royal Medal, for instance, come to mind. One…


Teresita Limoanco’s advocacy on accessibility for PWDs, communication platforms

No one is the same, and handling a classroom that has several unique individuals can be quite a challenge if one is not up to the task. Teresita Limoanco, an assistant professor and lecturer from the Software Technology Department of De La Salle University, has been teaching for at least 20 years now and has…


From one researcher to the next: Dr. Angelyn Lao on math and mentoring

For many, the mere mention of the word “math” induces a state of distress. From complex equations and unknown variables to intricate graphs and large chunks of data, working with numbers and other mystifying symbols can be quite an ordeal. But for Dr. Angelyn Lao, math is powerful and fascinating, and it is a field…


For the love for science: Joel Chavez

It all started with an assignment in second grade.  “Which would dry faster, black clothes or white clothes?” recalls Joel Chavez, an associate professor and lecturer from the Biology Department of DLSU. Submitting the wrong answer, his teacher would later on explain the proper process of how heat transfers from one medium to another, consequently…


Homegrown: JP Tan and the Clouduino Stratus

For many makers, hobbyists, and engineers, the Arduino has been a household name since its early beginnings in 2005. From how intuitively easy it is to use in addition to all the versatile features that come along with the device, the Arduino—a software tool that aids programmers in building applications—is readily programmable via an integrated…