Headlines Menagerie

A sea of text

Texting is arguably the prime example of the power of the peso, that is why it has ingrained itself into the life of an average Filipino who cannot survive a day without sending a text containing a barrage of emoticons, or a text pleading for more load. Thus, this phenomenon has caused economic authorities to…

Headlines Menagerie

Exposition: The Lasallian soundtrack

As students in La Salle, we are bound by certain routines; pulling yourself up for class, endless uncertainty for lunch, figuring the right posture when reciting, and the list goes on. This cliché undergrad lifestyle can be exciting for a couple of months – lucky freshmen, so full of life – but with each wallet…

Headlines Menagerie

The world you purchase

Ever wondered why nowadays you suddenly see men and women of impeccable physique and alien complexion in billboards along every highway? When you look in magazines, newspapers, the Internet, or go to the mall, there they are again, looking all handsome and well dressed. But unlike any typical Filipino celebrity, these people are not those…


Catch the phrase?

Everybody breathes in change. Whether it is a simple puff in the wind or an avalanche sweeping off mighty civilizations, change is inevitable. It is a constant fixture in our life, a firm rock smack dab in the middle of the flowing years of the river.   Throughout the ages, not even the mighty institution…


Because Uncle Juan needs you

“  The land of the free and the home of the brave…  ” The closing words to a song now sung in privatized state schools throughout the nation; which, by the way, have partnered with private enterprise to provide uber-high-tech, sustainable, eco-friendly (on paper anyway) hydroponics farms for every farmer in the countryside. Only this…


Exposition: Getting Lost and Getting Found

Most of the time, trips are planned. You have an itinerary on hand, a map and a camera to capture all our special moments. You like to have a clear picture of the sites you will visit, the places you will stay in, the people you will encounter and the many ways you can get…


A Look at Cooking With (the) Dog

As soon as the YouTube video plays, one is greeted with a particular jingle followed by a greeting thick in Japanese accent: “Hi! I am Francis, the host of this show Cooking With (the) Dog.” The camera shifts to the host… a toy poodle named Francis. Confused? It really is quite impossible to believe (and…


The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly Duckling

Food is not spared of the people’s tendency to pass visual judgment. Without the aid of aroma or actual taste to guide hunger, simple pictures can drive the urge to eat. The visual significance of food is so defined within current culture that the simple act of ordering from a menu still relies on appearance.…