Menagerie Menagerie Feature

Reviewing the Mamasapano incident with Dr. Antonio Contreras

Now many different accounts of the fateful day are heard left and right, causing confusion as each story is followed by the next. Issues start to bubble up to the surface as the country analyzes what went wrong in the operation and what could’ve been done to save the men. In the midst of a…

Menagerie Menagerie Feature

Reviewing the Mamasapano tragedy with the Political Science department

In the wake of the recent tragedy that killed police officers, militants, and civilians, we went to DLSU’s Political Science Department to ask for their take on the unfolding issue. Who is to blame for the tragedy? Dr. Montefrio: To be honest I think it’s really too early to answer this question because investigations are…


What’s on your playlist?

Morning commutes can be a chore, while Friday nights need that extra jolt of energy. What better way to go through life and all this jazz than with sweet, sweet music? From hip-hop, to rock, to EDM, there’s something for everybody. We’ve all constructed our own personal playlists on our smartphones, or laptops, or other…


The world of food bloggers

Simple treats and mouthwatering delights appear in every corner of a foodie’s mind. But the ability to express that fondness for food requires a special kind of passion, commitment, and creativity – traits which an avid food blogger must have. With the emergence of new cuisines today, many writers have the opportunity to venture into…


Toughest subjects in DLSU: The School of Economics

Everybody has their weakness: Achilles had that heel, Superman had Kryptonite, and Samson had his hair. In De La Salle University (DLSU), each and every college has courses that make students wet their beds at night, and give them anxiety attacks all throughout the term. What about DLSU’s smallest and newest college? The School of…


The transfer experience

LPEP, Andrew Building, and block sections – for most Lasallians, these three could sum up their frosh year in La Salle. For transfer students, however, it’s a different story. Life in the university is arguably more challenging with the lack of frosh essentials, which many students deem necessary to survive the start of their Taft…


The plight of the bystander

Atop the chalkboards in every classroom rests a plastic marker that reads, “Lasallian Achievers for God and Country.” For decades, this vision has been a constant reminder for Lasallians who will lead our country into a brighter tomorrow. Whether through chosen careers in the future or through random acts of kindness, there are many ways…


Young, rebel, and indie

Inside a condo unit in Magallanes Village, a group of five is cooking up an uprising – no, not with swords and shields or guns and steels, but with sheer passion for the art of filmmaking. The Rebelde Creatives, composed of award-winning film Director J.E Tiglao, Producer Andy Valenzuela, Production Manager Chloei Capili, Head Writer…


A vandal no more

Gone are the days when art was confined to a paintbrush and an 8×10 cotton canvas. In this day and age, people have come to embrace life itself as an art form—whether it is the things you draw, the songs you listen to, the clothes you wear, or even the way you make your coffee.…


Student spotlight: Lasallian collections

Throughout the ages, collecting has remained a timeless fad. While buttons, stamps, and receipts are the typical collector’s fare, others have been known to collect a variety of oddities. Take, for instance, Graham Barker, who has the world’s largest collection of navel fluff (yes, bellybutton lint!), according to the Guinness Book of World Records. Sergei…