
Head On: LA Chief Jaime Pastor eyes new systems for OVPIA

The sole candidate for vice president for internal affairs, Jaime Pastor of Alyansang Tapat sa Lasallista (Tapat) brings two years of legislative experience with him as he pursues a seat in the Executive Board. He gives his assessment on student life in the online setup and shares some of his plans, one of which is…


Head to Head: Cate Malig, Earlrich Ibon seek to build links as OVPEA

In this interview with The LaSallian, aspirants for the Office of the Vice President of External Affairs (OVPEA) seat, Alyansang Tapat sa Lasallista (Tapat) candidate Cate Malig and Santugon sa Tawag ng Panahon (Santugon) candidate Earlrich Ibon discuss politics, voter’s education, and their visions in fostering a more socio-politically proactive student body.  On their background…

General Elections University

Head On: Annika Silangcruz plans to continue OSEC leadership

When the holdover term began a few months back, many seats in the University Student Government (USG) were left vacant. However, appointments were made in the interim, and the role of executive secretary was given to then-Chief of Staff Annika Silangcruz, who now seeks to run for the same Executive Board position. Running unopposed, Silangcruz,…

General Elections University

Head to Head: Shei De los Santos, Noel Gatchalian vow finance fixes as OTREAS

No strangers to the University Student Government (USG), Noel Gatchalian of Santugon sa Tawag ng Panahon (Santugon) and Shei De los Santos of Alyansang Tapat sa Lasallista (Tapat) offer experience and vision. Looking back on the trials and tribulations the Office of the Treasurer (OTREAS) have gone through in the past year, De los Santos…

General Elections University

Head to Head: Joshua Arao, Zaniel Kekenusa eye reforms in bid for SEG presidency

Santugon sa Tawag ng Panahon (Santugon) and Alyansang Tapat sa Lasallista (Tapat) bets, Joshua Arao and Zaniel Kekenusa, face off as they vie for the top School of Economics Government (SEG) seat. The latter a former batch president, while the other involved in a major University Student Government project, both envision an inclusive and socially-responsible…


Head to head: Jian Medina-Cue, Rai Nivales contend for CLA presidency

As the largest college in the University, the College of Liberal Arts (CLA) is home to different courses with different needs. With the pandemic severely limiting the learning experiences of students, CLA presidential candidates Jian Medina-Cue of Alyansang Tapat sa Lasallista (Tapat) and Rai Nivales of Santugon sa Tawag ng Panahon (Santugon) are more than…

General Elections University

Head to Head: Marcus Guillermo, Carlos Valondo row on COB student life

The Ramon V. del Rosario College of Business (RVRCOB) is one of the biggest colleges in De La Salle University. The number of students entails a sizable responsibility for the Business College Government (BCG) College President. The LaSallian speaks to Carlos Valondo of Alyansang Tapat sa Lasallista’s (Tapat) and Marcus Guillermo of Santugon sa Tawag…

General Elections University

Head to Head: Bianca Bracamonte, Renee Formoso envision ’empowered’, ‘unified’ COS

Both having experience in the University Student Government (USG), candidates for the College of Science (COS) presidency share their plans for the office. Incumbent FOCUS2018 Legislative Assembly Representative Renee Formoso of Alyansang Tapat sa Lasallista (Tapat) and former FOCUS2018 Batch President Bianca Bracamonte of Santugon sa Tawag ng Panahon (Santugon) speak on their experience and…

General Elections University

Head On: Two-time batch prexy Madeline Tee seeks top ECG post

Incumbent 73rd ENG Batch President Madeline Tee is set on securing the title of College President of the John Gokongwei Jr. College of Engineering (JGCE). With two consecutive years as batch president under her belt, the unopposed bet from Santugon sa Tawag ng Panahon (Santugon) sits down with The LaSallian to share her initiatives and…

General Elections University

Head to Head: CCS prexy bets Kate Magbitang, Jolo Cansana on their plans

Incumbent and former CATCH22 officers Kate Magbitang and Jolo Cansana from Alyansang Tapat sa Lasallista (Tapat) and Santugon sa Tawag ng Panahon (Santugon), respectively, discuss the difficulties of shifting to online classes, the use of social media platforms to connect with students, and re-evaluation of student services in the College of Computer Studies. The LaSallian:…