General Elections University

Head On: Leonna Gula sets sights on BAGCED presidency

Incumbent EDGE2018 Legislative Assembly Representative Leonna Denise Gula bares her plans as the only candidate for college president of the Brother Andrew Gonzales FSC College of Education (BAGCED), bearing the banner of Santugon sa Tawag ng Panahon (Santugon). She speaks to The LaSallian on her platforms, which include the development of clearer channels of communication…


Foreign delicacies, Filipino dishes

Asia is a vast continent, filled with different people, histories, cultures, languages, and of course, food. Back in the day, continents used to be closer — travels were restricted to nearby lands, and we ended up learning a thing or two from our neighbors. This exchange of cultures between nearby countries is something still noticeable…


7-Eleven vs. Ministop

A college student’s budget is near-impossible to manage. Between having to pay for food, school supplies, events, and everything in between, some college students watch their allowance slowly trickle away as the week rolls on by. As students become hard-pressed for cash, they search for easier ways to find their daily necessities. And that’s where…


Similar struggles: Freshmen versus Graduating Students

  Between lining up for elevators in Andrew to preparing for your OJT and thesis, a lot can change in the few years in the university, especially in terms of the problems we face. It doesn’t seem like there is much in common between the freshmen, who are just starting their college experience, and the…


Morning classes vs. night classes

As the Animo System loads, the students who are lucky enough to be presented with the option have to decide whether they rather wake up early or stay up late at night. Students are different beings when they start the day compared to the ones that end it. This can affect their attitude, behavior and…


Head to Head: Animation revolution

If switching on the telly and flipping through comic impressions of talking bunnies and shape-changing dogs fail to take you on a trip down memory lane, then generational trends have indeed changed by a wider margin than initially supposed. Admit it – as kids, we would not have elected to wake up at the first…


Head to Head: The bus: to ban or not to ban?

Welcome to the gates of hell. This appellation was bestowed upon Manila a few months back by Da Vinci Code author Dan Brown, who had not even encountered LRT during rush hour, else he would have known the true meaning of hell. “Blasphemy!” mutter some, shaking their heads upon hearing the cognomen. “He speaks the…


Local vs. foreign superheroic comparisons

Superman, Batman, Spiderman, these are just few of the superheroes that have, over time, become household names around the world. Everybody is familiar with Superman’s iconic costume: the red cape, blue spandex, and bold insignia, across his chest. Everybody knows about the Dark Knight and his crusade against crime in Gotham City. And everybody is…


Head to Head: Rain, friend or foe?

It starts off slowly: the soft growl of thunder, the beat of a raindrop or two, and without warning, everything is suddenly striped by falling rain – the long strokes painting the landscape with the sort of still rawness only capable by nature. The warm blues and greens and browns of nature melt away and…


Head to Head: Governance: Unitary vs Federal

The ‘System’ is often blamed for the many inefficiencies and problems faced by the nation today.  There have been numerous pleas for changing the way the government is set up, mostly for reasons such as welfare and development.  We pit the Philippines’ current government setup against that of its major political influence, the United States…