Menagerie Menagerie Feature

Overnight at DLSU: Defer – Part Two

The LaSallian meant for there to only be one article; however, so much happened that night that warranted the article to be split into two. None of us expected to feel this frightened. None of us ever fathomed the possibility of this much fear rattling around in our ribcage. But here we are: we survived…

Menagerie Menagerie Feature

Overnight at DLSU: Defer – Part One

In October 2013, The LaSallian released an article titled Overnight at DLSU, redux. The article was a sequel to the March 2010 article where three staffers stayed in campus the whole night in search of what goes bump in DLSU at night. This October 2018 marks the third time that staffers from The LaSallian will…


Chinatown Chow

It’s now February and Chinese New Year is here once again. As a Filipino, there’s a good chance you have some degree of Chinese heritage in you and even if you don’t, it’s still fun to experience the festivities that the Chinese have in store on this auspicious day. If you’re thinking of celebrating Chinese…


Fortune telling

We walk through the streets of Quiapo, the stench of fish lingering in the air. The road is narrow and full of people, making us sweat on this hot summer day. It doesn’t seem to bother the vendors proffering their vegetables and DVD’s. But we’re not interested in their wares. We make it to the…

Headlines Menagerie

Overnight at DLSU, redux

In March 2010, The Menagerie released an article entitled, “Overnight at DLSU: Searching the haunted halls.” An article, risky as it was, that covered an overnight stay of three staffers in the University. In search of the paranormal and what lurks within the grounds during the grim hours of darkness. Sadly, the expedition failed to…


Off The Beaten Track: Railing the Philippine National Railway

You are a male teenager. You are testosterone-pumped, thrill-seeking and adventurous. You’re very iffy about people whom you don’t know yet are open-minded. You live in Las Piñas while your school is in Manila. Suddenly and inadvertently, the mayor decides to ban all buses to the city. What do you do then? That’s right. You…


Off the Beaten Track: MEN-agerie Versus Food!

Three ordinary students entered Yellow Cab-Taft with much anticipation and hunger etched on their faces. They had mentally and physically prepared themselves (particularly their stomachs) for this day. They had not eaten breakfast or lunch; they would need all the space in their digestive systems. May the spirit of Adam Richman be with them in…