Editorial Opinion

Power play, power plays

Wesley So used to carry the Philippine flag on his shoulders. After bagging the country’s first ever gold in the 2013 World Universiade Games, he was denied a P1-million incentive by the Philippine Sports Commission. So moved to the United States Chess Federation the following year. On November 3 five years later, he became the…

Editorial Opinion

Reviving Trust

In the year 2000, the Philippines breathed a sigh of relief as the World Health Organization (WHO) delivered the good news and declared the country polio-free. The country, at that time, had not had a documented case of polio for seven years. That all changed this year when the Department of Health (DOH) confirmed two…

Editorial Opinion

Feeling under the weather

With the arrival of the monsoon season naturally comes the anticipation for weather updates, which local governments and various institutions turn to as basis for taking precautionary measures, such as cancelling classes or office work. Coordination and efficiency are thus of paramount importance—especially when it comes to public safety. This was perhaps what lawmakers in…

Editorial Opinion

Sinking in betrayal

Last June 9, 22 Filipino fishermen nearly died at sea were it not for the kindness of a passing Vietnamese fishing vessel. The F/B Gem-Vir 1 of the Philippines sank due to the impact of a Chinese ship, with the latter reportedly fleeing the scene without helping the fishermen. The incident was declared as a…

Editorial Opinion

Flagging pride

When discussing the Philippine LGBTQ+ community and the sentiments toward them, a question usually raised is, “How accepting of the LGBTQ+ community is the Philippines?” The Philippines is considered as one of the most gay-friendly countries globally according to an article written by the Philippine Daily Inquirer in 2013. But just last year, a Social…