Opinion Opinion Feature

A few minutes of your time

  It was another regular school day. I had just come from class to submit documents to the Student Media Office. There were other members of the different Student Media Groups hanging out at the common room.  “How are you? How is your day going?” were the questions I was greeted with. I responded with…

Opinion Opinion Feature

Think before you act

“Don’t believe everything you see on the Internet.” You’ve probably heard this line countless times before. Growing up, this served both as a warning and a mindset to me. We had a Computer class every year, a staple of my pre-college education. While my grade school teachers taught me the basics—how to boot a computer,…


Mad world

Picture this. You had just finished buying groceries at a store near your condominium and are about to head home when you realize that you have no change left for a tricycle. It’s eight in the evening and stores have already started to close for the night. The way to your condominium is a bit…


Putting out the fire

There are a lot of things in life that come and go easily. There are also some, no matter how hard we try, that just would not let us be. To me, one of those would be the emotional trauma left by all the bullying I’ve experienced, most especially in elementary. All the while, I…


Our father

Now that we’re at the dawn of a new year, looking back, it is apparent that the bad really did outweigh the good in 2018. In what seemed like the downfall and the slow execution of the Philippine Constitution, the nation was perpetually stuck under dark clouds. It was the year that highlighted the tenure…

Opinion Opinion Feature

Let’s talk about this more

Have you ever tried buying a box of condoms in a convenience store? I have. Early on a Saturday morning, I had to buy eight boxes of condoms from a convenience store near campus for a midterm for one of our Advertising electives. The cashier looked at me, the eight boxes of Durex condoms I…

Opinion Opinion Feature

Pride and morals

For the longest time, the country has reinforced the separation between the Church and State despite being predominantly Catholic. The Constitution declared that the State shall not establish or prohibit a religion. Despite this law, there are still some leaders who do not adhere to basic respect towards it. To no surprise, our current President…

Opinion Opinion Feature

Always in our hearts

As the song goes, “And may the spirit of Christmas be always,” I continue with the lyrics, “in our hearts.” It’s stuck in my head, replaying as if it were on loop like a broken record. After the loop ends, I am then left with the lingering question, “Has Christmas always been in my heart?”…

Opinion Opinion Feature

Justice delayed is justice denied

After decades of what has seemed to be an armistice between the corrupt abuse of power and the obligation of one to answer for it, it looks like justice has finally taken a step forward. Just this month, former Prima Donna, (which, ironically, is Italian for “First Lady”) Imelda Marcos, was convicted of not one,…


Where has resilience brought us?

It seems as though the hustle and bustle that is characteristic of the “ber” months has fallen over the Philippines as a whole. With issue after issue and controversy after controversy coming at us from multiple sides all in in the span of a month, it’s not difficult to imagine why one would wonder what…