
Writer’s Recap: LEAP 2021 opens a new world

The Lasallian Enrichment Alternative Program (LEAP) has always been a thrilling time on campus, offering new opportunities for Lasallians to engage in classes that cater to various interests every University-Vision-Mission Week. 

Last year, LEAP shifted to an online setup due to the pandemic. It rolled out a one-week-long program that immersed students in the Arts. Now in its second year online, the 2021 iteration, LEAPscape, focused on encouraging students to maximize the benefits of technology. Once more, Lasallians came together on the three-day event to expand their horizons and redefine holistic learning. 

Going deeper

The event was spearheaded by the Council of Student Organizations and 42 accredited organizations in the University. Like previous years, attending one LEAP class counts as an “alternative class” to your regularly scheduled classes on Monday or Wednesday. 

LEAP launched three themed days of alternative classes to engage students in different areas of interest using the online setup. Day 1 was held on August 13 with the theme “Science, Business, and Tech”; Day 2 on August 14 with the theme “Fitness, Health and Wellness”; and finally “Social Involvement Day” on August 21. All classes were conceptualized with the Lasallian Reflection Framework in mind—centering on the tenets of See-Experience, Analysis-Reflection, and Commitment-Action.

Class for success

This year’s LEAP opened with Social Involvement Day. The first leg of the event provided classes that aimed to open opportunities “for involvement and new relationships.” Some offerings included the Junior Entrepreneurs’ Marketing Association’s investment class, Investalk: Invest with Intent. Those looking to polish their Filipino Sign Language abilities enrolled in Archers for UNICEF’s Overcoming Barriers: FSL Workshop. Meanwhile, Writer’s Guild treated students to a fun-filled journalism class in Elementary, My Dear Writers

The second day revolved around venturing into new hobbies and interests. Self Improvement Day hosted various workshops, like gardening basics in AdCreate’s FarmVille IRL: The Rise Of The Plantitos And Plantitas. Some opted to groove to the beats of K-Pop mainstays in AJA Animo’s Aja! Kaja! Dance! Meanwhile, food lovers everywhere rejoiced for Business Management Society’s The Cafe Club, which indulged their inner Gordon Ramsay. 

LEAPscape concluded with Enrichment Day, encouraging students to “seek where your unleashed potential takes you.” Habitat for Humanity Green Chapter kicked off their class with habitART, a graphic design workshop. Aspiring German and Italian speakers signed up for the European Studies Association’s Ciao, Friend: European Languages 101. Yearning to see what’s in the cards for you? Samahan ng mga Lasalyanong Pilosopo had students covered with their Tarot Reading and Self Reflection class. 

A brand new day

This year’s LEAPscape is just one of the many opportunities to let students take a much-needed breather from their academic requirements. Opening doors to new experiences will definitely kickstart our journey to greater heights. With such a wide variety of classes, one would wonder what’s in store for next year’s LEAP. And frankly, we’re all excited to see where it takes us. 

Magz Chin

By Magz Chin

Glenielle Geraldo Nanglihan

By Glenielle Geraldo Nanglihan

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