
Zombie fungi: Truths and untruths of Ophiocordyceps unilateralis

Cordyceps, the zombifying fungus in “The Last of Us,” is rooted in real science. Fortunately, though, it is not as harmful to humans and may even bolster people’s health.


Dissecting the mind of the devil in disguise

Deemed as crazed, psychopathic individuals, serial killers are straight out of a thriller film—and neurological studies give explanations for their behavior.


Nexus: In search of the midpoint between the arts and sciences

This discourse that implies that choosing STEM is like abandoning the arts is the real rot.


The beauty and horror behind deepfakes

In a world saturated with disinformation, deepfakes—far from their use in entertainment—can be harnessed as tools of disruption and havoc.


Grappling with donation hesitancy: Is organ transplantation instilling fear or hope?

Traditionally, organ availability has relied on altruism expressed through organ donation as a “gift of life.”


Powerhouses of the future: Comparing the RISC and CISC processor designs

With the launch of the Apple M1 processor in November last year, the pedestal occupied by x86 processors, such as those from Intel and AMD, may soon be put into question. As Apple’s first ARM-based processor, the M1 has gained traction in the tech community for its significant claims on power efficiency and performance in…


Securing privacy: Browsing the interconnected world with VPNs

From government offices to companies to anonymous hackers, the internet has become a nest of prying eyes. Data has become a commodity—from companies engaging in data sharing deals to government surveillance of online activity and data harvesting. With the public becoming more aware of the importance of data privacy, the Virtual Private Network (VPN) industry…


Hot or cold?: Utilizing air conditioning, cooling systems vs effects of climate change

Climate change, or the change in global climate patterns due to increased concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide, has greatly affected Earth’s living conditions and recent reports from the United Nations have shown that Earth will only continue to get hotter. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s (NASA) Goddard Institute for Space Studies monitors the Earth’s…


Tick tock: Zeroing in on possibilities, debunking theories on time manipulation

Time travel has been viewed as a work of fiction usually brought to life in popular media where audiences see what-could-be or what-could-have-been through glimpses of the future or flashbacks from the past. Highlighted in films such as Interstellar and Back to the Future, the very concept of traversing through time remains an unsolved mystery…


Clawed out: Of false depictions and prehistoric giants

Remember when you first held miniature giants in your hands, mimicking their assumed roars and growls? You even watched them on television screens, in cinemas, drew them on blank pages of your book, and wore costumes to appear like them. As children, most dinosaurs were introduced to us as wingless, dragon-like creatures that we have…