
A time for healing

Time has always been a friend and a foe to me. I was born with a pair of weak legs, which the doctors loosely diagnosed as Spina Bifida. I cannot run, climb up and down flights of stairs, participate in sporting events, and etc. Time is my source of hope and disappointment. I have always…


Pedals for change

The world has taken many roads and turns—some we are not too proud of—all in the name of change and progress. This month, The Menagerie interviews Joel Uchico, an LSGH graduate and the man who started Bikes for the Philippines—proof that progress need not come at the cost of the planet.   Bikes for Change…


Two different worlds

Grumbling children and dissatisfied parents are commonplace nowadays. Just open an ear in malls, restaurants or at school, and you would probably hear about vegetables, technology and curfews between a well-dressed adult and a messy child – all of which can be collapsed under the family arguments section. While the root cause of these rifts…


Only time can tell

Tick, tock, tick, tock; the all too familiar sound of the ordinary clock and the sound of sand trickling down a glass shaft of the sandman both have one thing in common—the ability to define time. Time wraps us in its inflexible grip and controls each and every ounce of our exploits. The seemingly insignificant…


De La Salle through the years

A hundred years have passed since the University was founded. In those one hundred years, many changes occurred to create the La Salle we all know today. Below are some of the important changes that have happened in the University.   1. DLSC transfers to Taft In 1920, the then De La Salle College (DLSC)…


Rant and Rave: ‘Defending the Caveman’

Never judge a play by its flyer. Defending the Caveman, starring Joel Trinidad, and directed by Michael Williams and Cathy Azanza-Dy, staged a show about the battle of the sexes. Trinidad, in his fourth portrayal as the caveman/protagonist, entertained the audience in a monologue; he explained the cultural differences between men and women. Moreover, he…

Headlines Menagerie

Girl Power: Declassified

Women: squeamish, subservient and, above all, weak? Others have thought along this line as well. In the past, there was nothing more alien to the English gentlemen of the 17th century than the sight and sound of women having to earn a living. Feminism was denounced, and the most gracious lady was expected only to…


Rant and Rave: Breaking Dawn Part 1

Once more, hardcore Twilight fanatics have something to rejoice over. The first part of Breaking Dawn, which is the fourth and last book in the novel series by Stephenie Meyer, opened with a bang, earning an estimated $139.50 million in its opening weekend. Fans of the Edward slash Bella slash Jacob tandem will leave theatres…


Rant and Rave: The Clockwork Prince by Cassandra Clare

Once in a blue moon, there comes a piece of new literature that evokes so many incomprehensible emotions, all at the same time. All the words are so beautifully arranged together that the piece creates an entirely new reality. New young adult fiction rarely reach this standard, but Clockwork Prince by Cassandra Clare exceeds all…


Artistic reality

This December, the Menagerie gives you a one-on-one exclusive interview with the frontman, vocalist, and keyboardist, of the band: Never the Strangers. Twenty-one year old Anthony “Ace” Libre shares his thoughts on his concept of art, and his decision to dive into the music business. TLS: How did Never the Strangers start? Ace: We have…