
Halo-Halo to Yogurt – The Evolving Filipino Taste

Certainly, one has taken a stroll down a trendy restaurant strip and has seen at least one establishment that serves either “modern Filipino food” or “fusion Filipino.” As unbelievable as it sounds, the Filipino taste has gained some sophistication over the past decade; those restaurants are proof that there is a desire to reinvent traditional…


The Perfect Date

“The easiest way to a man’s heart is through his stomach,” but what about the lovely ladies who need to be lured just to captivate their hearts? Relax, Menagerie gives you choices on where to bring your dates without hurting your pockets. The Dilemma Ever gone home after a date with a wallet having only…


Guys, Where Do You Want to Eat?

“SEX tayo!” is a statement only Lasallians understand as an invitation to eat. People from other schools, or people in general, will frown upon such invitation. On the other hand, Lasallians will question Ateneans when the latter mention something about Chinky Chicken and Chris Tiu. Is Chris Tiu a chinky chicken? “Who in the world…


Off the Beaten Track: MEN-agerie Versus Food!

Three ordinary students entered Yellow Cab-Taft with much anticipation and hunger etched on their faces. They had mentally and physically prepared themselves (particularly their stomachs) for this day. They had not eaten breakfast or lunch; they would need all the space in their digestive systems. May the spirit of Adam Richman be with them in…


A Look at Cooking With (the) Dog

As soon as the YouTube video plays, one is greeted with a particular jingle followed by a greeting thick in Japanese accent: “Hi! I am Francis, the host of this show Cooking With (the) Dog.” The camera shifts to the host… a toy poodle named Francis. Confused? It really is quite impossible to believe (and…


The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly Duckling

Food is not spared of the people’s tendency to pass visual judgment. Without the aid of aroma or actual taste to guide hunger, simple pictures can drive the urge to eat. The visual significance of food is so defined within current culture that the simple act of ordering from a menu still relies on appearance.…


Overnight at DLSU: Searching the haunted halls

An institution with 99 years of history is bound to harbor its fair share of supernatural and unearthly tales, enough to send chills down the spines of even the most hardened horror enthusiasts.

Archives Menagerie

From the Archives: ‘X’-mas in our hearts

Christmas—a word that recalls to mind many memories of dinners, parties, gifts. A word that reeks of cheesy Christmas songs, of even cheesier Christmas TV specials, of fruitcakes and hamon de bola, of greeting cards and parols. Christmas—a word soon to be phased out. Happy Holidays Every December season, the gaudy decorations come up—Santa in…


From the Archives: Proudly Paete

What is left of the Filipino arts? In the current age of postmodern ideologies and minimalist art, the situation of our authentic crafts becomes depressingly grave. Reminiscent of our pre-Hispanic culture, what’s left of the Pinoy arts may also soon face extinction. But somewhere in the farther end of the province of Laguna, there are…


From the Archives: Political Glitz

What do Tsong, Bistek, and Captain Barbell have in common besides being showbiz icons of this country? The answer is quite simple: they all decided to star in what is often the dirtiest stage of this republic-politics. This is a country where politics and showbiz often form an almost unbeatable mixture. But behind the prestige…